Britney Spears - Circus Akon - Freedom Kanye West - 808s & Heartbreak Loads more but these are the ones that I loved this year!
I thought it was just albums you liked this year. Guess not. Let me fix this up: No Age - Nouns Deerhunter - Microcastle Mogwai - The Hawk is Howling
Before Their Eyes - The Dawn of my Death Snow Patrol - a Hundred Million Suns abigail Williams - In The Shadow of a Thousand Suns
Earth - The Bees Made Honey in the Lion's Skull Acid Mothers Temple & the Melting Paraiso U.F.O. - Recurring Dream and Apocalypse of Darkness Agalloch - White EP And others that need to be mentioned no matter what: Boris - Smile An Endless Sporadic - Ameliorate Sonic Youth - SYR 8: Andre sider af Sonic Youth Elephant9 - Dodovoodoo Meshuggah - obZen and a bunch others I'm forgetting or am too lazy to say.