Obviously I mean songs / movies that you love and don't willingly admit to... I will list 1 of mine for every 5 posts specifying a guilty pleasure in the thread (my own posts don't count) =D. 1 - You can post as many guilty pleasures in one post as you want, but it only counts as 1 post with a guilty pleasure. 2 - You can't double post, there must be at least one response with a guilty pleasure in between each of your posts (to prevent people from spamming the thread)
Ummm, I don't have any either. I like what I like and everyone knows it. Oh how about that I listen to Michael Jackson? When he was black that is.
I listen to 3 Justin Timberlake songs on one of my most played playlsits. Rock your body, goes around comes around, and... sexy back =(.