Thanks man that means alot This isn't a bad system but there is alot of glitches and screw ups about the console....:/
It freezes alot...also some of the games were getting scracthed really bad because of bad rotation inside the console. Another thing was it was being extremely slow for some people onloading games.
Ya but still that means there are problems inside the console...which makes it unreliable...and means that they'll have to release some new verision or something
There are no problems to worry about. For the scratching return your broken game and then blow inside your cd cover and it fixes it. To stop it heating up and breaking down make sure your playing it in a decently open area that has some ventilation.
Well I read the news a while back when xbox 360 first got realeased and it actually overheated so badly the cd game actually melted inside the system.
But i haven't meet one person in my 5A school who hasn't had this thing repeatly freeze up on them...
It might but not as much as the XBOX since PS3 has alot more time to fix glitches and better their product