Well I've been looking at both and the Wii controller really looks cool and its features are amazing from driving to slashing a sword with it. how about you guys??? discuss !!!!
i think the ps3 will wipe the floor with the wii the wii doesnt look greatly improved not a great line up and yeah it looks good but eventually you'll find it nnoying when you need to use a remote for a game like zelda
I'll be buying both, but i reakon the PS3 will come out on top, since its more powerful. But i don't doubt the Wii, the controller should be intresting, can't wait to give it a try. Plus its gonna be much cheaper than PS3.
Ok, I will give Nintendo the credit one this one. The Wii is a sttoke of genuis when it comes to the way we play games. BUT the PS3 will forever change what we like in a gaming system. The PS3 is not only a gaming machine, but a music player, movie player, and internet surfer. In short PS3 > Wii
ps series have always dominated nintendo and im pretty sure every one buys nintendo systems fr supersmash brothers PS3 will own Wii
There are good reasons for buying both so I had to vote for both. That and I know I'll be buying both (not at launch though...don't trust Wii not to have good third party titles and the PS3 not to break).
Mhmm Thats the thing have you seen how zelda will be played with the remote?? you slash with the thing and your sword slashs with it that is cool but I wonder about the movement of the sword
U may think wii has the motion remotes but the ps2 has that too and its motion remotes are far more advanced but wii has some pretty cool games too so i will be getting both probably but still ps3 is better