CS 1.6 is Counter Strike: 1.6 and CSS is Counter Strike: Source. Why he has 2 games running at the same time, I have no idea
LOL nope you`re wrong . CS1.6 = Counter Strike 1.6 Online game . CSS = Counter Strike: Sourece New version of CS 1.6 = Online game . Gac.
Well from me knowing people, almost anyone above 10k is either in college or near a college and picks up or feeds off their connection.
Haha. I'm going to wait a few hours till my neighbors go away. Then my speed will be soaring. I'm going to put my speed in my sig. lol.
Not bad at all. This topic should be pinned somewhere. Although I've answered in so many like it on this forum. I like this one cuz I'm #1 lol.