well i dont know which i like of the current movies, i do like Star Wars, not a big fan but its really really good =P. My cousin's a huge fan though, got me a plasma lightsaber *those ones that actually look real , click a button and it lights up* and he's planning on getting me a Dark Jedi Master Robe (the black ones) for my birthday =P heh... he just really loves it, and it's funny cause me and him go fencing (sword fighting), and we like doing some good stuff with them sabers ^_^!! Although i must admit, i just finished watching Episode 1, 2, 3 chronologically, havent seen 5 or 6, but ive seen 4, its really good, i dont know why but i like the story from 4 - 6, but the ACTION scenes are just smokign in 1 - 3. Episode 7 and 8 are out in books right? I probably might have to find them... also, there's one Star Wars film i WISH they had... any one here paly KotOR? (Knights Of The Old Republic), well it's an RPG game based on... the Jedi Civil War, in the OLD Republic, taking place LONG before the Star Wars movie, if they made a movie from that story, im guessing the box office records would soar =)!!!
It's hard to pick one, really... I especially love the classic trilogy, but I enjoyed the new ones as well. I'd say A New Hope is probably my favorite altogether, but I can't pick just one.