The worst game I ever bought was probably either Lord of the Rings: Return of the King or PGR2. I never liked either one much, but I paid $10 for each, so it didn't faze me much.
PGR2 and PGR are two games that I just greatly despised. I dont know why but everytime I picked it up to play I started to hate it more and more. Oh and also and Tomb Raider game. Always hated those.
the worst game i probably ever bought was..... that Quest 64 game they made it look so fun on the commercial
Can I have the games you're playing so I have the ability to say thats its the worst game ever? (btw I think its the best Adventure RPG came ever and still is) Worst Game I've bought would probably have to be Lord of the Rings the two towers, fun for the 30 minutes it takes to beat it.
Has anyone noticed that the old schools games always seemed to be brutaly hard while newer games are much easier to beat? One of my biggest games is still the original Mega Man games for the Nes. Only beaten a few of them and that took me awhile.
Legacy of Kain: Defiance. That f***ing game made me waste so much money I thought it was okay (wasn't good), up until the point where there was an unopenable door. Then I stepped on it.
i agree with you OoT was one of the best, if not the best game the N64 had to offer (didnt like Majora's Mask much, but played it none the less) the gameplay was phenominal (sp?) and kept me entertained for a good while (wont say how many hours ^_^) Gogo mirror shield!
castlevania: curse of darkness fun factor = 0 and too slow of a game, Castlevania: Symphony of Darkness was so much better