Post 'em here......I haven't seen an actually SCARY movie in a while so I can't really say any movies....
Well the original Halloween scared me and The Ring did too but I havnt realyl seen anything recently scary..I hope The Descent will be scary.
Hostel was a messed up movie....not very scary to me but it was really messed up....Halloween was also pretty good. I used to be a huge fan of all those movies: Halloween, Friday the 13th....that's about it..... I never really got into Childs Play of A nightmare on Elm Street...
Hahah...yeah...I was about 8 and my dad tricked me into watching did that movie stick w/ me for a while....
I've seen many movies like Ring, saw, white noise etc. but I don't think any of them is really "scary" though :/
Mine too. I love Jigsaw's logic. it makes so much sense. I mean honostly, how many people do you think would make a critical sacrifice, like a limb or messing up your face, in order to survive's incredible how people just lose that instinct.
LOL! I saw The Ring like...a few years ago for the first time, bought it the day it came out on video, and now I still have to eye my closet during the day, even more at night, and I hate walking past dark rooms in my house. She scares me... I don't know if they have it on the DVD like this but on the VHS version, before the movie, they have "the tape" footage start...freaked the crap out of me when I first watched it, messing with my head. Anyway the first movie that made me have a sleepless night is Tremors, honestly my sister and I stayed in our beds with our toy cap-guns all night, but we reasoned since we had a concrete foundation under our house it was ok.