The ending had to be different, people who didnt read the book wouldnt understand it. I saw it imax at midnight.
Yeah I agree Rorschach is ------ing awesome. But it was 'I'm not locked in here with you. You're locked in here with me.'
I went out and bought the book yesterday afternoon, finished it that night, some pretty clever writing, I liked it.
Skyline's name looks pretty, but I like seeing my name up there instead. Anyways, I'll probably go see this in IMAX, but I have to travel an hour and a half to do so.
I heard the novel was better which makes sense because they always are. My friend let me borrow his copy a few weeks ago, but it has been collecting dust since (seeing how I made the decision to see the movie before diving into it). I'll probably end up seeing the movie sometime next week.
The trick to not being disapointed by a movie adaptation of a novel is to understand how they are two very different art forms. Once you understand that you'll be able to appreciate the film much more.
Seein' it later. Very mixed when it comes to reactions. There's the side that hates it and the side that loves it. Special effects looks amazing. ---- Update: Saw it. I thought it was awesome. Effects were awesome and the world-wide setting of the whole movie was quite amazing. It's probably the best super-hero movie I have seen, mostly because of how rebellious it seems against the traditional super-hero story.
This was a porno really. Mr Mann's wang was out the whole time. That sex scene wasn't really needing to be there at all, but I did like it. It was good. I did like it. I never knew I would see any TA in it so I was suprised
first half maybe dragged on a little too much for my taste, and at times was a little slow. but nothing too bad. The fight scenes were dope, and the beginning scene was illlllllllllllll. Ros. def made the movie for me though.
Watched it at the Cinema yesterday, I hadn't really read the Comic before so it was a little hard to get to know the Characters. But it was a good movie overall, although they cut half of the movie scenes (particularly sex ones) so the movie was shorter than the usual. I'm planning on downloading it when a good print comes out =p
Exactly true. The movie and the novel are two very different types of media. Once you get your head around that, I imagine this will be a pretty damn good movie. Really cant wait to see this, been looking forward to it for well over a year lol.