Vindictus Closed Beta Sign up STARTS NOW

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by lllAE86lll, Jul 2, 2010.

  1. lllAE86lll

    lllAE86lll GR Since 2005

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    May 29, 2005

    Vindictus is a fast paced action MMORPG that plays a lot some traditional room based MMOs, as the game’s dungeons and quests take place in rooms rather than a persistent world. It’s sort of a mix between the instanced gameplay of Guild Wars and traditional room based gameplay of most MMOs. Perhaps the game that’s most similar to Mabinogi Heroes is Softnyx’s Rakion, but even that isn’t a great comparison. The fact is, Vindictus is an amazingly unique game like no other. The game has breath taking graphics, exhilarating boss fights and an overall high production value that makes Vindictus a real treat to the free to play community. Vindictus is known as Mabinogi Heroes in Asia.

    Video:YouTube- Vindictus Official Game Tutorial 1/4

    Hurry and get your luck to be in Vindictus Closed Beta


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