Which albums are you waiting for ? I'm waiting for: Metallica Slipknot Coldplay - Viva la Vida or Death and All His Friends The Offspring - Rise and Fall, Rage and Grace Nine Inch Nails - Year Zero Part 2 Updated: Rise Against Breaking Benjamin Dragonforce The Prodigy
I take and listen as they come out. There's been loads of crap and some decent stuff released. Don't really know what to look forward to, not now anyways. I am certain though, that anything that comes out that has Slipknot on the title, is already a disgrace to anything metal. Slipknot is to metal as WWE is to Wrestling. Fake, and disgusting. That's after listening to all of their albums at least 3 times, also. :\
Whitechapel - This Is Exile - http://www.myspace.com/whitechapelmetal Carnifex - The Diseased and The Poisoned - http://www.myspace.com/carnifexmetal
Iam waiting for Judas Priest - Nostradamus (will fall on my doormat tommorow) Equilibrium - Sagas and Hammerfall - Masterpieces
Her Space Holiday - Xoxo, Panda and the New Kid Revival Sigur Rós - Með Suð Í Eyrum Við Spilum Endalaust DISCOVERY - LP That's pretty much it for now.
can't say I like it, not even a little bit tbh and i agree with verbal, nu-metal is metal and i'm curious aboutthe new slipknot album as well (corey taylor <3)
I meant Nu Metal != Metal, as in NU METAL IS NOTEQUAL TO METAL. You better edit your post or, God, you'll look dumb. <3
uknouknoloadz<333 Lawl. By the way, it's nu-metal =/= metal. Not the way you put it. Just a heads up. By the way, don't be a lame and listen to a song on YouTube, MySpace, or on crap P2P like LimeWire, or even just 1 song on last.fm. Get the whole album and listen to it from beginning to end a few times. It's such a pet peeve for me when people think they can justify their opinion by 1 track, especially for extremely diverse bands. <_< Drudkh and Sigh's latest might be coming this year. That's all I can remember. <_< Edit - Ohhh, I forgot: Boris and Merzbow's new collaboration: Mellow Peaks. Want want want. And um, Rudimentary Peni, Mouth of the Architect might be having something, and um, that's all I can think of. Too lazy to even think.