I like a lot of different music, everything from country to r&b to jazz. It really depends on the mood I'm in as to what I'll listen to at any particular time.
I'm actually a big fan of movie scores, like the newly released Transformers score by Steve Jablonsky. I could listen to that for days. Other than that I don't like a specific type of music anything with a good beat/melody I'll listen to, doesn't matter what genre.
besides my metal/rock preferences, I also like movie soundtracks, especially LotR, PotC, Gladiator and south park
uhm Rock Emo Metal Heavy Metal Death Metal Grunge Old school stuff - proper guitars 70's you know. Other things occasionally, but it depends alot on my mood. oh yeah and movie scores, depending whether they're any good xD
Rap. The kinda rap used 2 get u in the party mood. In the energetic crunk mood. The kinda music with a really large loud sound! I also like some rock like yellowcard.