"You failed me yet again, Starscream" *death stare* Classic. Anyway, the moview was awesome, beside the fact that they had the balls to cut the whole Optimus vs Megatron battle. DAMN THEM TO HELL!!!!!
That was my favorite part by far. I kept hoping and hoping they'd play the whole megatron/starscream relationship, it might've just been a few lines, but it was perfect.
I actually love "multiple" parts in your sig... If you know what I mean... Also. Transformers was easily the greatest movie of 2007. I don't even know transformers and have NEVER seen any episodes of it. But this blew me away and makes me want to watch it.
He is hot but lol he sucks like he doesn't has a very good part in the movie although that guy blows away Optimus and The camaro in one push lol
Just me who doesn't know any names? I've never watched or read this Transformers but the movie looks good.
Yea, but he'll be back in the second one. I already read the sypnosis. or whatever its called :tongue:
OMG how can u have a favorite part - the whole movie was my favorite part. (i actually liked the beginning the best though)
Nah, not really. Atleast not for me. The action was epic, and the movie was amazing, but it wasn't the best. I loved every last minute of it, but it's not the best, at all. I went into the movie (and left the movie) with the knowledge that Michael Bay doesn't direct good movies, he directs fun movies. He makes movies where things need to explode for no reason other than just because it looks cool. I love that about his work (Bad Boys, The Island, Armagedeon, Transformers, etc.) but he certainly didn't direct the best movie of 2007. The movie isn't too true to the original cartoons. It kind of is, but not really. Although the original voice actor for Optimus Prime did the VO for the movie. Oh and here's my full review if you want to know how I felt.
I want the dinobots to appear if they ever make a sequel.. let's just hope it won't have the "sequel disease" when sequels isn't always as good as the first one =(
****SPOILER ALERT?****** Transformers 2 is going to consist of StarScream bringing back more decepticons and more autobots will come. Also Scorponok will bring back Megatron.