Without miss Fox the movie would have sucked.... but it had her so it wasn't too bad.... it was too long in the set up and when the action came alot of tough guys died easily.... But on a lighter note.... god damn megan fox was hot as im them white pants.....
Dont know what to think of it, i got 2 different opinions on this one, since i watched it last week..... 1. Its a real good movie, lots of action and a nice story line, and indeed.......Fox was sooo HOT!! zomg.... 2. The action wasnt expanded enuff, like ikky already said, they died too easily.....I was hoping for good and fun action, not those 2 hits and ur dead kinda action
nice effects...and magen fox runnin' in slow motion is great too bad that the real bitch of this movie was Devastator....what the hell was that??
I really liked the movie. I thought the storyline was alright and Megan Fox makes it an easy watch. Plus her interaction with the little robot was great.
Did anybody else hear about the whole letter from set employees incident? Apparently Fox was bashing the director so a few higher up employees sent a letter to the media talking about how unprofessional she is on set and saying that she is basically a stuck up bitch lol quite the read
yeah lol i read that. she was really only picked for the role because they needed some babe to fill the obviously massive holes in plot and dialogue. note how the only roles she has been cast in since transformers are that of a bitchy, superficial tease. she only has sexual appeal to those who fall for the facade of a personality, based on the fact she fell for a loser in the movie, so when people percieve a situation where they get with her, that's how they see it happening.