What are your top 5 shows? Mine are 24, Prison Break, Lost, Heroes and House in no order. It all started on super bowl Sunday (I think it was, it might just be my bad memory) when i was bored with the game and flipping the channels. My friend was obsessed with 24. She loved it so much and would always tell me to watch. The Season 6 premiere was on that night and I watched. I got hooked and the next day i told my dad and sister to watch and they got hooked too. I watched the new episode each Monday night and every night my family and i would watch a new episode going from season 1 up until we caught up. A few months later we finally caught up and season 6 ended around the same time. I was pissed because 24 wasn't back till January 2008 (now even longer <_<, ------ing strike) so I started watching Lost on my own on my computer and dvd's i rented from the library. I got hooked to that too and eventually I finished up. I then went on vacation to Seattle and I was visiting my family and they were pretty old and boring so i had nothing to do so i started watching prison break on recommendation from another friend. I remember I put my laptop on my chest and lied down to watch at night and at the most suspenseful parts I got feel my chest breathing so heavy wondering what the hell was going to happen next. After that ended I watched Heroes which just fascinated me with some of the ideas they came up with. Then 24 was close so I decided I would catch up on House. I always watched when it was on, but I never watched them one after another so I was kinda out of it on the storylines. I'm only a few episodes away from catching up with House now.
1. Family Guy 2. UFC 3. House 4. Extreme Home Makeover ( love to see people doing things for others) 5. PORN!!!!!!!!
1. Bad Girls Club 2. Janice Dickinson Modeling Agency 3. Project Runway 4. America's Next Top Model 5. um dunno