I saw the movie yesterday, It was a great movie and i just loved how there was 3 villains. But i hate the sound vemon makes. The 'emo parker' was kinda funny. But i did notice that since harry was the new green goblin, it said the same exect words as the green goblin said to his dad. (in spiderman 1) The movie was great and i'd deff watch again.
plot wasn't great but the scenes where awesome. Some of my friends say it sucked but i don't think so...>.>
Worst movie I've seen in a while.. Since Epic Movie... You people who liked it must be like 12-15 years old.
I saw the movie Saturday and it was good but I think they just brought out Venom too soon I guess they rushed everything and I didn't get why Peter was dancing alot but ehh.. it was a good movie though ^_^ and sorry but Stan Lee was kind of annoying on there to didn't even remember what he was talking about lol sorry...
wow the movie was awesome even though it wasnt long enough it was still great, and all of you people that keep saying it sucked just wait for the dvd to come out because the movie was suppose to be 3 hours long but i guess they can't have 3 hour movies or something in the theaters
It was okay, but full of clichés. There's plenty of content from the spiderman stuff (I've only seen the animated series) to keep making movies. Also, about Peter Parker being emo, that was only his hair, so y'know, not much really. Stan Lee actually had dialogue!
I kind of liked it. I expected better, but it wasn't that bad. The only thing that bugged me was all the dancing and emo-ness. =/
It was a pretty good movie in my opinion. I admit that there were few boring parts, but the action was good. And Venom definitely looked better than I imagined.
Just because it's an action movie doesn't mean that there's supposed to be 2:20 hours of randomly placed fights. There"s a story you know> By the way one thing that i liked was the little cellphone screen shot of Marry Jane just before she called Harry for company that showed her contacts list and how she selected Harry instead
yeh all that mj bull was kinda gay but it was soooo tight when spidey kicked the goblins sons ass and like he was layin against the fireplace and he picked up one of those explosive balls and threw it at spidey and then spidey like shot a web at it and was like bam and that dude got some of his own stuff