First off i want to say, this is definitly a movie not for the light hearted. It starts off with a bang, not even 10 minutes in and a death. The plot follows a detective, detective mathews. Mathews is a man dealing with a divorce and has a teen who doesnt follow the rules. His son, Daniel, gets kidnapped along with 4 others and placed in a house designed by none other than John "Jigsaw". The 5 of them are being filled with a deadly neuro poison and if they can follow Johns rules they will be able to obtain the anditodtes. Jon is fouind out by Mathews and finally gets stopped but instead of taking him to the station, they stay to find monitors of the house. One by one the people of the group are faced with their own challenges that offer an antidote. The ending is a twist that I will NOT be telling you becuase it is the best ending/twist ive ever seen and it totally shocked me... -Odin-'s Rating: 5/5
Well, a rather short review imo. However, I'd like to add that this is a fantastic movie and if you don't mind some blood and gore, check it out.
it is a great movie, maybe you should add some pictures that do not show really horrific images from the film but some funny ones, like the guy stuck in the furnace
saw 1 and saw 2 are destined to go down in history as 2 of the best thriller movies ever IMO. Both are extremely good.
ALL of saw's endings r the best parts of them hey what was the song that was playing while the credits rolled i need to know ><
saw isn't really that gory, or at least the second one isn't. The only bad part was the beginning. But yes, it is a very good flick
Mudvayne - Happy? I really never lisen to rock stuff but i heard the song before. and about the movie I was expecting like blood and guts and it really wasnt that much but it still was a great movie havent seen many thrillers but it was a good movie.
the first and second saw wasnt scary but more suspenseful than most movies. It's probably the best movies I'd seen in many years...I kinda like Saw I b/e it was more original in most parts. Saw II was ok, although some parts was weird. I would never see Saw I and Saw II again b/e it will never be as good as u watched the first time.
saw isnt too much on the gore as it is on the great story and giving a great idea on the characters and how they interact
I have yet to see this film, but it looks awesome. The first one was eye-catching, and was one of those films that actually had you on the edge of your seat the entire time, not rolling on the floor laughing because the creaters of the movie had such a pathetic attempt at giving their audience a scare. ~Maker