S H I N Y . T R E A S U R E , I . W A N T . & . N E E D

Discussion in 'Signatures' started by Flower Of The Court, Jan 21, 2008.

  1. Flower Of The Court

    Flower Of The Court Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 24, 2007

    CnC is much appreciated. <3
  2. .Immortal

    .Immortal Well-Known Member

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    Sep 15, 2005
    I don't know what exactly the focal point of the tag is, because to me it looks like 3 different ones. The two people on the right (are they different? They look almost the same) and the treasure on the bottom left seem to split the image more than necessary, even if it corresponds with the concept. I also feel that the right needs more effects, even though the intention was to keep it simple. Not liking the smudge on the closer person's (of the two people on the right) chin. I also think the light source in the top left isn't necessary, as the one in the middle is already there. It might look better to get rid of the light source in the top left (if possible) and darken it, add effects on top.
    Now to the positives.
    Great potential for a tag, and I like the concept a lot, but it could really do with some work. If you wanted to make it coloured, you could change the colour of the treasure and the light source to a sort of gold/green to make it seem interesting, like it really is treasure (or is the treasure something other than gold and jewelery?).
    The light (other than the top left source) also seems to work well with the tag overall.
    I hope what I have said makes some sense.. and helps you improve the tag ^^

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