I for one love riddles! I think everyone loves a good one. IDK if there is a thread for this already. If this is not in the right section, move it. But here we go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SIMPLE, VERY SIMPLE!! I post a riddle, if you can solve it, (You obviously can't!) you post another one, and so forth. I start!!!!! A man is convicted to D E A T H . He can choose between THREE rooms!! One room is smoking hot... It's a absolute inferno. The temperature there is sky high. In fact, the temperature there is so massive, it will make you want to take off your skin and sit on your bones! It's so hot, you will need paris hilton to cool you off! Another room is filled with people who were CONVICTED to death row as yourself. They are FURIOUS. There are mean as mean can be. These guys can kill two stones with one bird. They can squeeze orange juice from a banana. They have machine guns. That's not a lie. ACTUAL MACHINE GUNS WITH REAL BULLETS. If you want to choose this room, go ahead, your choice! ... There is only ONE more room. This is a delightful room. Except is filled with LIONS. Not baby lions. HUGE ONES. These lions are vegetarians, meaning that they won't eat you... until first they put you into a vegetative state with their claws. Plus, they are hungry. They are starving. They are so hugry, they would eat a horse. They haven't eaten in MONTHS. Two horses. Let's just say that they are so hungry that if they could they would eat at macdonalds! What room do you pick and why? Ps: If you know the answer because someone has already told you this 1 in the past then be silent for now! Let other ppl who have heard it for the first time and don't know yet think it over.
Yes, exactly right! Post one of your own now! But if you aren't going to post one for some reason, I can post another one no problem I have a bunch of them that I think are pretty cool!
Lmao, you are right on that one. I guess it makes more seance in portuguese. Actually, I hadn't thought of that detail. It's a word play, if you may. But I still think think the riddle isn't very affected by that detail, am I right? Well, if not, who the hell cares, I still find it to be a great fun riddle, hehe. If you care, add a little tweak of your own and you can tell it to your friends! Oh, it is a wonderful thing about riddles, sometimes you can add your personal when you tell them! Let's go to another one then, shall we? Ps: You were concentrated. I applaud that very much, Nicasus! : D I remind people that these observations are really good for the topic itself, and are encouraged, as long as, naturally, they are worded correctly. By the way, sacri, you made a very logical guess then! I would probably NEVER EVER guessed it was just a guess, I tought you knew exactly the answer hehe. May you excuse me for the little chit-chat my fellow readers, without further delay, here is the riddle. Ladies and gentleman, there is a mute person who wants to buy a toothbrush. By imitating the action of brushing one's teeth he successfully expresses himself to the shopkeeper and the purchase is done. Now if there is a blind man who wishes to buy a pair of sunglasses, how should he express himself? You don't need to explain in detail, just enough so we can figure it out. Good luck and good thinking!
Hehe, yes, you are right. I kid you not, this works rather well in real life, I've fooled some of my friends already. I still have to tell it to some more tho. Further experiences awaited! You post one now Nicasus! Just in case you don't do it for some reason, (You don't know any or whatever) I still know plenty so np at all I can post. ^^ I or someone else, of course! If you don't post one, anyone else is free to do it for you. Let's make it that if the person who correctly responds the last riddle, if he\she doesn't post a new one, anyone else can post a new riddle. The first one posted becomes the new riddle. Does this seem clear to you?
Sure, had I not been online for a while, someone else could have posted. I said the rules clearly haven't I? Or was I confusing? I am Portuguese, maybe it is because of that. Here we go! Two men, who were really really really good friends, and haven't seen each other in years, meet in a certain place. They are extremely happy to see each other, yet they don't say a word one to another. In that certain place, their no no prohibition by law to speak. Actually, there is no prohibition what so ever to speak, to be exact. It's not a library, for example. And they are not mute either. Where did they meet? Let's hear them folks! I didn't make this riddle up, I read it in a Portuguese site called "portaldascuriosidades" which is awesome!
Hehe, cool, nice. No one wants to answer? Maybe a lurker or some guest, perhaps? I encourage all the shy people to come in and answer, hehe, don't be afraid. If many people don't know, I'll just say it, of course, but if no one has posted anything at all I will assume no-one has came to this topic and will wait a little longer. I'll wait a little longer, as it is now, I think it is absolutley absolutley better! If you really really really wanna know, sacri, then think about it a little, I think that anyone can get there with a little time!