How High 8/10 Very funny movie with very funny actors....I was laughing constantly at this movie. but then again, it's my style of comedy.
Hostel - 7/10, I thought it was cool until half way through it the story line was way to messed up...
Hostel - 7/10, I thought it was cool until half way through it the story line was way to messed up...
Tropic Thunder - 6-6.5/10, for what it was Great entertainment value to be honest, Robert Downey Jnr. was epic in this
Sunshine 9/10 Great movie, a year old, but still a really great movie. What held it back was the slower beginning story.
The dark night 8.8/10, great acting by most actors and the plot/town/realism was amazing... although if christian bale was as good of an actor as heath ledger then the movie would easily be a 9.5, and would have been a 10 if they had killed the annoying DA chick earlier, or just had someone else play the part.
Get Smart : it Was quite funny but the actor playing the lead role just plays the same role as he dose in his other moves & t.v show he's getting kinda repetetive . my rating : 6/10
21 - 10/10 Partly because it was just a great movie and partly because I work at a casino, so watching one get screwed gets me all giddy.
My last Film watched :: The Dark Knight the DA chick was a rubbish actor and i agree.. when the joker threw her outta the window i shouted "Yipeeee Thx fcuk" [SPOILER-ALERT]and then, she didnt die.... after throwing my 70% rolled smoke, all over my wooden floor in excitement, i was more that happy to see her blown apart, lol[/SPOILER-ALERT] but the joker made up easily, what the rest lacked in any way shape form, i wonder who will play The Joker in TDK2 Michael Keaton <my guess