you can post your reviews on the last movie that you have seen along with rating . Enjoy My recent movies : Speed Racer was the last movie which i saw it was alright a bit over hyped but i found it fun & enjoyable because of the cartoon which i found quite funny . My rating for this movie is 6.8/10 Hellboy II was the other move i saw which was a lot better then the first hellboy had a good plot in it . nothing much to say but i'll be waiting for the 3rd part to the trilogy . My rating for this movie is 7/10 Red dragon :this movie had some amzingly scary moments & a great plot , my rating - 8/10 Wanted : this movie was alright had some great special effects & a decent plot , My rating 7/10 Kung Fu Panda : this movie was fun & enjoyable My rating 6/10 The Dark Knight : this movie was pritty good . had a great cast one of the best i've seen in a while & that means some great acting . & a good plot aswell . My Rating : 9.2/10 thanks , -Sn00p-
latest movie: Death race rting: 7.7/10 was a nice mvoie and I wouldn't mind seeing it again also jason statham is awesome
Latest Movie : Scorpion King 2 Rating : 4/10 I thought the movie was going to be a lot better than what it really was. It disappointed me because the first Scorpion King was so great.
The Dark Knight - 8/10 good acting and ---- but i would have preferred if it would have kept closer to the comic
Tropic Thunder - Had some really funny parts. The story was a bit different then the usual in such a vegetative setting. Humorous trailers in the beginning. I'd give it a good 4 out of 5
Pineapple Express- was really funny threw out..though near the ending they were just acting way to" homo" for me, other than that it was good. 8.5/10
Jurassic Park at 2:10 AM Last Night Rating : 10/10 Why : Because it's still one of the most (strangely) under-rated films, never mind how much it pushed the boundaries of CGI, the great script and the huge (now slightly cult) following it's developed. My favourite film, and deserves love. Kek.
Wanted : 8/10 ! Reminded me matrix lol. I wasnt hoping for such storyline, I realy liked it ! Cool actors !
Tropic Thunder =7/10 beginning and end was funny, everything in between was not, i'm somewat disappointed about the movie.