Well Pokemon has still stayed popular at elementary school, then middle school kids begin to hate it, and once in high school kids pretend to like it to joke around a make fun of it when you know that they truly love it. Last one I got was like blue version or something, but because I am around kids so much as I work at an after school program, I am now wanting Pokemon Diamond or possibly Pearl This will be like 7 years after I got my last game.
I havn't played Pokemon for ever...Well i havnt played GameBoy in forever...My friend just stole is neighboors DS and it had new pokemon in it and i might get it for like 10bux off him lmao
Regardless of how gay the animated show got (which, in the original Japanese versions, it's not that bad) and how stupidly overpowered the cards got (the original card game was actually quite fun), Pokemon still makes for a pretty good RPG. Believe it or not, I myself have never actually owned ANY Pokemon game (with the exception of Pokemon Stadium for the N64, which doesn't really count). However, if I were to get a DS, Pokemon Diamond (Or Pearl) would be one of the first games I got. The depth of the games is truly increasing, and with the addition of wifi capability, trading and dueling will be really fun. Add in the breeding system to get pimped out Pokemon, and it sounds like a pretty fun game
I just got Diamond and Pearl to use as references for the online version I'm making..its actually quite fun...Im up to the 6th gym leader in Diamond... :lol:
I'm at the second gym leader... Anyone have any sites I can get info about evolution levels, moves learned etc,.
Heh i remember the old days when i used to play pokemon blue version. That game was fun, but i dont like pokemon anymore, its for lil kids.
I remember people just collected it when you'd ask someone if they knew how to play...they didn't :lol:
I'm getting both of them tomorrow, shame that the store that I pre-ordered it from didn't have the stylus'
dang this game is so fun lol empolean looks like a megazord and i got monkey in dedication of the 3rd hokage ^_^ lololol
ALOT of kids at my school have it. (im in middle school) and i think i might buy it too. I heard about all the new stuff and i think its pretty cool.