Yes, but then again, you weren't that active in the last, what, 4 months? You started coming back like 2 weeks ago. What I remember is a lot of people asking me 'who is that in your avvy?'
So let's stop arguing about who was first to adore Hayley because we all know it was me. Since 3 years ago basically. Stop arguing and start talking about the greatness of Paramore.
I wonder what her real haricolor is, don't you? Can't be that red... Ohh, right, no hayley-talk... Got their first album today, it was almost better than their latest <3
What does it matter if they asked? The sole reason they asked must have been because of their curiosity, not 'can you plx tell me so I can whore it plxplxlplx". It hasn't even been "whored" yet
It's hard to beat RIOT!, but yes All We Know Is Falling was quite good. She has blonde hair when it's not dyed.
Can i just say for a sec that it was me who said i was attending a paramore concert on the 30th of august, next the AG topic got spammed of how hot she was, and since i brought it up, i take full responsability of everybody whoring MYhayley. nexst to that, Keane was wearing a avy with hayley on it for decades -_-
I will be seeing them in concert on September 16th. Its a festival which I am mainly attending for the Smashing Pumpkins though.
Ah Paramore, it seems to be everybody's favorite band in so many forums I go to. I've tried liking them, but honestly there's too much concentration on Hayley's voice in practically every song I've listened from them. Eh, Hayley sounds like she should be doing a different genre of music anyways. Hayley's really the only good thing about Paramore for me... The biggest problem I have with Paramore, though, is the guitar work. Very typical, same tuning, nothing special. At least TRY to be different...and the bass and drumming are as typical and repetitive as the guitar Paramore has a lot of potential, I hope that when they make their 3rd album they can see that potential and actually try to do something completely unique. They're anything BUT unique aside from vocals right now, but I've seen plenty of bands that have girls as vocal that are NOT Evanescence and Flyleaf (L7 and Heart, for examples). Right now, they're very meh, maybe the future holds something good.
Kind of funny and ironic how Wikipedia puts Paramore's main genre as "Pop Punk". Haha. Both genres are okay. I don't even use genres to judge music. I go by band, anyways. Paramore just isn't that great of a band to me. Same for Silverstein, and bands alike... <_< They're just too typical and repetitive by now. Some bands stand out, but not many bands stand out as they used to...
To each his own I guess. I can't find any repetition with their songs. Some bands you can't tell a difference between the songs, but Paramore really you can.
The repetition isn't an overall thing, what I mean, is, in the most basic sense, is that the guitar work is the same as all kinds of music of its kind. It's a more general problem I have with a lot of rock these days. There's so much emphasis on guitar in rock, but yet all the guitar work today is so repetitive in tuning and notes. It gets annoying. The drumming is nothing unique either, and the bass isn't thick, so I guess I can't really say much on it. Everything else is there in previous posts.