Me and my mates decided on a great idea, but we will probaly get thrown in jail for life for acts of terroism or some bs. Step 1: Learn Arabic Step 2: Get a very very dark skin color Step 3: Grow a long beard(just for added effect) Step 4: Board a plane flying to Pennsylvania, USA Step 5: Mid way in the flight suddenly begin talking to my friends in arabic and constantly going to the toliets every 5mins being suspicious n ----. far as we have planned out, but im pretty sure well get ----ed for trying to be terroists or some ----.
Ok heres one buy an elephant thong and wlak into a bank, What can they do lol lol Merged Post: Ok heres one buy an elephant thong and walk into a bank, What can they do lol lol
Prepare for a probing at the airport, the likes of which even Eric Cartman has never seen *nods* Bring lube, so there's no chafing.