MP = Australian = Abbo = Goonbag = Petrol Powered Goonbag Holocaust = ------en Oath Cuz = Gooncore = Abbocore = <object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"></embed></object>
Really, just stop. You're sounding like a whiny 12 year old bitch on myspace. I think you're quite intelligent occassionally. Our opinions just differ far too much for me to actually have a conversation where I wouldn't end up getting annoyed and logging off on you. I think Dem might agree on some of my points. are so ignorant. Number one, way to bring up something that had been dropped and was over, number two, you still fail at life. Sorry.
I don't blame you at all. I love to debate, and I always have an opinion for the underdog, but I always try to enforce equality in the debate or argument.
You called me ignorant for saying you sounded like a whiny 12 year old myspace bitch? That makes a whole lot of sense doesn't it. @Magic I like debating too. I just get really heated easily if it's a topic I actually care about. Which isn't good.
I've never heard a 12 year old talk like I was, and yes it would be ignorant considering I'm eighteen. Don't front, kid, you still fail at life. It's ok, just admit it.
being 18 has nothing to do with the fact that you do in fact sound like a whiny 12 year old girl that doesn't get what she wants
I've never heard a 12 year old talk like I was, and yes it would be ignorant considering I'm eighteen. Don't front, kid, you still fail at life. It's ok, just admit it. [/b][/quote] being 18 has nothing to do with the fact that you do in fact sound like a whiny 12 year old girl that doesn't get what she wants [/b][/quote] What haven't I got? It is ignorant, especially when you look at what you're both saying, "you sound". Considering I'm on a forum, and I'm typing. Unless of course you were talking about the keys going up and down, which of course there is a difference in my typing sound and a twelve year old's? Hmmm, so yes. You do look rather ignorant. To sound like you are twelve, you'd have to be twelve. You can say someone sounds YOUNG, maybe, but even then you're just comparing it to another thing. There is no set value on what a twelve year old "whiny bitch" sounds like. ...So yes, to an educated person, you both sound rather ignorant.
being 18 has nothing to do with the fact that you do in fact sound like a whiny 12 year old girl that doesn't get what she wants [/b][/quote] What haven't I got? It is ignorant, especially when you look at what you're both saying, "you sound". Considering I'm on a forum, and I'm typing. Unless of course you were talking about the keys going up and down, which of course there is a difference in my typing sound and a twelve year old's? Hmmm, so yes. You do look rather ignorant. To sound like you are twelve, you'd have to be twelve. You can say someone sounds YOUNG, maybe, but even then you're just comparing it to another thing. There is no set value on what a twelve year old "whiny bitch" sounds like. ...So yes, to an educated person, you both sound rather ignorant. [/b][/quote] well looks like we're on the level where you don't disagree with our statement anymore but just comment on how we state our opinion, so let me refrase it for you In your posts you sound, which is a valid way of saying this, like a young boy, around the point puberty kicks in and the boy starts thinking of himself more highly than other people. You sound like a boy in that category which is usually between 12 and 14 years of age. the fact that we both state we think you sound like a 12 year old only shows how lowly we think of you and your opinion. oh and you seem to be misunderstanding the meaning of the word ignorant