Is it just me, or do none of your posts ever make sense? Did you mean, "I didn't ask if you were wanted, tbh?" Or what? Is that supposed to be me, "I didn't ask, you were wanted, tbh."
Is it just me, or do none of your posts ever make sense? Did you mean, "I didn't ask if you were wanted, tbh?" Or what? Is that supposed to be me, "I didn't ask, you were wanted, tbh."
Imo douchebags are those who start the drama and who literally have about 80 for an IQ. Oh, yeah, 80% of your sig Sharkie.
Its funny that the jackal thinks he is wanted. Is it not obvious that this SHEIKS ON A PLANE is a troll group to you? do you actually think it's meant to be "THE BEST POSTERS ON GR"?
Not really but nice try. 80% of Daz's sig are quite intelligent we just enjoy taking the piss out of people like you. steez, Neuron, and MP are the only people I haven't really had an 'intelligent' conversation with. The others I have. I've been talking to most of these members in IRC or MSN for quite some time. So I know them better than you do. Prime example for 80 IQ is Zohair. Tbqfh you > Zohair.
Actually, I was joking and being sarcastic with chunky. Not speaking to, or about you so...yea, you could just not talk? Would be nice. Whether it was a joke, serious, or a "troll" group, who cares? Do you really think you just "educated" me on what the group is for? You are one of the most ignorant people on this site, and honestly, I couldn't careless if you think my group is for fun, for serious, or for joke. You're a no one, not staff, not important, not intelligent, not even funny. So, in fact, I'm wasting my time posting this, eh, happens. You're just a sad little man, who goes around the forum pretending to be amazingly witty and funny, when neither is even close to being the truth. It's funny to me, that you think I'm concerned if I'm "wanted" or not. It's an online forum, bro. Not that serious. The fact that you said this, shows you are not intelligent. That just proves you are arrogant, you THINK you're intelligent, but it's very obvious otherwise.
This shows nothing regarding intelligence or arrogance. The fact that you think you're better then everyone shows you're arrogant and unintelligent.
Sorry, smart people can enjoy using their spare time to insult people. The whole concept that he's wrong and has 'proven' himself as so by stating he enjoys insulting people is stupid to begin with. None of them are geniuses, by any means, but most of them are able to carry a higher level conversation than most of this board.
Am i 20%? lol Actually, Steez, Dior, Neuron, Jynx, Undertow, dinges and Maj happen to be quite intelligent, if i hadn't known them for as long as i have i would have dismissed most of them as well. Not listing myself, as i'm sort of a self confessed dumb ass who ------s everything up by having no ambitions.