Boris is a damn great sludge metal band to me. I dunno. They're just cool when I want a metal filled with noise fix.
Decapitated. Any of you guys heard of them? I've been in love with them for the past 2 years, sad to see their drummer go though. Dying Fetus, Gorerotted, Blood Red Throne, Hypocrisy, Necrophagist, Nile, Skinless, can't go wrong there. A good Black Metal band from the States would have to be Goatwhore. I seen them on a Sounds of the Underground off-date show with Amon Amarth, damn good show!
I personally find Goatwhore to be boring. On the other hand, Hypocrisy are a good band (listening to "Necronomicon" right now)... I was bummed to not be able to see them three or so years ago, though. I remember first hearing "Only Tools and Corpses" and just got really into it... Its such a catchy goregrind song. Speaking of Skinless...
I absolutely love Atreyu. Old or new, doesn't matter. They're awesome with everything they do in my ears. That's their latest. (in b4 necrobump)
yeah Atreyu is great, though the Lead sails, paper anchors album isn't that good imo I prefer The Curse, Bleeding mascara and Right Side of the Bed ftw
Lead Sails and a Paper Anchor isn't a bad album, but that's because I think everything they do is good. Lol.
Lead Sails and a Paper Anchor isn't a bad album, but that's because I think everything they do is good. Lol. [/b][/quote] it's not bad, just not as good as some of their other albums btw try all that remains [/b][/quote] I guess, it's a matter of personal taste really. And of course I listen to All That Remains, lol.
it's not bad, just not as good as some of their other albums btw try all that remains [/b][/quote] I guess, it's a matter of personal taste really. And of course I listen to All That Remains, lol. [/b][/quote] lol well how can I know? your hasn't been updated in a looooong time
Psh, Atreyu is epic fail compared to The Dillinger Escape Plan. Not to mention Meshuggah's last 2-3 albums, Electric Wizard, Sleep/Om, Burzum, Deathspell Omega, Mastodon, and loads more. C'mon, about 95% to 99% of metalcore is just a bore. Seriously.