wow so I guess now a days everyone is in to these fake metal bands? Not one person has listed Megadeth, Iron Maiden or Metallica.
Times change, bands change to the motion of the next generation. I for one loved Metallica and still do. I just don't download there music (I actually buy the cd's).
I'll give them a listen Hopefully I'll like them, i need new music, gets a tad boring listening to the same songs every day!
My All-Time-Fav. are: Iron Maiden, Led Zeppelin, Edguy, Black Sabbath, Helloween, Megadeth, Queensryche, Judas Priest, Motörhead, ect. the List is endless ..
Led zeppelin is rock, not metal. Anyway, I love metal. Doesn't matter tooooo much which metal it is, I kinda love them all (as far as I know them). I love the heavy stuff, (including death,power; it's all heavy ---- =D), the normal and softer rock aswell. I've got heaps of metal bands, My favorites are Children of Bodom, Drowning Pool, In Flames, Judas Priest, Iron maiden, Manowar, Metallica, Pantera and many others. Great stuff.
sure, all people says that's rock, but led zeppelin are pioneers for heavy metal btw. if one goes thereafter, are many the mentioned bands none metal bands.
sure, all people says that's rock, but led zeppelin are pioneers for heavy metal btw. if one goes thereafter, are many the mentioned bands none metal bands. [snapback]3786135[/snapback][/b][/quote] Do you even know what Heavy Metal is?
Do you even know what Heavy Metal is? [snapback]3786138[/snapback][/b][/quote] sure, heavy metal is a music direction whose origins lie in the hard skirt of the 60s/70s! bands like led zepplin, black sabbath and cream had a large influence and later those came nwobh (new wave of british heavy metal) where bands how saxon, iron maiden, motörhead ect .. btw. i meant not your bands with "mentioned bands none metal bands" .. I mean bands how "Protest The Hero" (Posthardcore) or "D'espairsRay" (J-Rock) ..
Some bands used to be considered heavy metal, but to todays standards they aren't But if the person grew up with them being known as heavy metal or metal then there is np them calling them it Just by todays metal heads, they won't be considered it!
sure, all people says that's rock, but led zeppelin are pioneers for heavy metal btw. if one goes thereafter, are many the mentioned bands none metal bands. [snapback]3786135[/snapback][/b][/quote] They are not the pioneers of heavy metal, where did get that idea from. They the pioneers of Hard Rock not Heavy Metal. Black Sabbath are the pioneers of Heavy Metal. Oy kids of this generation Also listen to old Dimmu Borgir, they're old stuff is where its at. Listen to they're remastered version of the Storm Blast album, Puritanical Euphoric Misanthropia, Enthroned Darkness Triumphant those are all great albums. They can't even be compared to dimmu's new stuff.
Okay, Okay..... I listen to just about EVERY genre out there... Exluding Teen Pop...sorry. My FAVORITE Metal bands are: Dragonlord - Black Metal Dimmu Borgir - Black Metal (Mainstream) Gorgoroth - Black Metal Satyricon - Black Metal Summoning - Black Metal Vesania - Black Metal Athiest - Death Metal Death - Death Metal V:28 - Death Metal Opeth - Extreme Progressive Metal Ozzy Osbourne - Heavy Metal Pantera - Heavy Metal Rob Zombie - Heavy Metal Dissection - Melodic Black Metal Arch Enemy - Melodic Death Metal Dark Tranquility - Melodic Death Metal In Flames - Melodic Death Metal Yes... There are SEVERAL more bands... But I'm too lazy to post all of them.. And by the way, i'm not a Satanist or w/e.. I just listen to bands that are because I like the music that is produced.. So please don't judge. Peace. - 1,000 Watts
I agree with you infeqion, kids these dont know truly good music from back in like the 60's and 70's. Some bands from the 80's too.
They are not the pioneers of heavy metal, where did get that idea from. They the pioneers of Hard Rock not Heavy Metal. Black Sabbath are the pioneers of Heavy Metal. Oy kids of this generation Also listen to old Dimmu Borgir, they're old stuff is where its at. Listen to they're remastered version of the Storm Blast album, Puritanical Euphoric Misanthropia, Enthroned Darkness Triumphant those are all great albums. They can't even be compared to dimmu's new stuff. [snapback]3786952[/snapback][/b][/quote] Wow you really are one big idiot. Led Zeppelin along with Sabbath pioneered the genre. Sabbath was THE heavy metal band, but that doesn't make Zeppelin a rock band. As for my favs: Slayer Slayer Slayer Megadeth Lamb of God Gojira Children of Bodom In Flames Amon Amarth As Blood Runs Black Dying Fetus Decapitated Nile Job for a Cowboy Shadows Fall Cannibal Corpse Six Feet Under Metallica Pantera 3 Inches of Blood Suffokate Dimmu Borgir Unearth Kataklysm Despised Icon Animosity Suffocation Through the Eyes of the Dead The Black Dahlia Murder Cattle Decapitation Dillinger Escape Plan Napalm Death The Faceless Sevendust The Red Chord It Dies Today Dragonforce (whoever says they suck is an idiot) And my all-time fav: TOOL