Who has seen this movie? In my opinion, this movie was freakin' neat and packed with awesome action. I haven't seen anything so grotesque, funny, and awesome in a movie until I saw Spoiler Hit-girl start kicking criminals' asses left to right as well as shooting 'em in the face or cuttin' them to hell with some blade[spoiler:end]. Hit-girl is now by-far one of my most favorite comic characters in existence at this moment, right next to Rorschach and V. Thoughts on the movie? People who recommend/don't recommend it?
Agreed, great film Fro mseeing the trailer and all, I never really expected it to be quite so graphic though. But I enjoyed every minute of it
This movie was one of the worst movies i've seen in ages. Really, it sucked. But perhaps, for children of 12 and younger, it might be fun.
I thought it was a good movie, but when I see the reactions here. Other kind of sense of humor think .
I personally found the storyline ridiculous. I couldn't get into it at all. Remove all the blood + rebrand it a 12A.
Can somebody answer my MASSIVE SPOILERS?: did big daddy die? i saw him all burnt and disfigured, but it didn't look like he died. hit girl was kind of acting like he was dead.
Yea I guess he did which is why he didn't show up and she left to finish the job herself. @GreasyPete.
Best super hero movie in my life. The little girl kicks ass and should be the standard for the rest of the action or super hero movies.
i didnt find it all that great. The little girl just got on my nerves and it didnt match up to what i expected after hearing big things about it from all my mates