JarHead Blazeman's Review Jarhead isn't a bad movie but its not a movie you would expect it to be. Don't go into this movie expecting action becuase you'll be disappointed in all honesty. It's based in the 90's during Desert Storm and you watch a platoon of snipers train and become hardcore Marines. They deploy to Kuwait to watch the boarder and you see how the desert gets to each and everyone of them. This movie does have a few ups you get to see people go from scared kids to grow up and be man. Also see how these unusuall people pack together to form a very unique and phsycotic family. Also see how they deal with having girlfriends or wifes back in the states...which ends up being surprising...and wacky. This movie also has alot of points were you see almost each member of the platoon snap and just lose their cool. Even though they go crazy they all return to being a family and do what they have to do to survive. In all reality i don't really recommend this movie unless you really thought the preview were good. I say rent it and watch it since you'll probably take it back the next day. Jarhead is an ok i think its a more of a political movie than anything, but thats my point of view. Mostly to show we should have never been over there in the first place. Its there for you to find out so watch a preview if it seems like you like it then rent it. DO NOT BUY IT !!!!! thats my warning Jarhead's Review Rating (out of 5)
went to the cinema couldnt wait, what a disapointment, total let down, noway enough action, just seemed to drag on and not reach a conlusion
i loved a movie, cus it shows a whole different side of the war, that it wasnt all action, te movie came a cross very realistic, and although you didnt see any action the war was very pressent. ive seen it 2 times now and i am gona buy it
My Version: I really enjoyed this movie actually, its ----ing hilarious in parts and its just awesome, it shows what really happens in the military and the characters really grow on you. I love Jamie Foxx's character and J.G's is really well acted and its just a really good movie, thereis no shooting but there is action. i give it 5/5
uhhh every film is, u watch it once if u dont like it and if u do u do watch it more tahn once. i love it, and my friends do too. lol blaze yep,i gotta somehow put movies on my ipod and i dont have a dvd ripper, so technically its the computers fault