i'ma see it soon enough... i missed my chance to free preview (my friend works at a local theater) before it was released... and i'm not into seeing movies alone
Cause you look weird going there by yourself.:lol: I saw the first one and thought it was completely hilarious. Yes, some of it IS pretty stupid but iin my opinion Funny!
this movie was awesome, about 95% of the stunts were hilarious to watch. only criticism was too much male anatomy and one really gross part that i almost couldnt stomach, (the shark one for those who have seen it)
PWNAGE! Awesome movie. My favourite bit was when Preston and Bam's dad switched places.. Aprils face was HYSTERICAL!
I loved the taxi part where they told the guy he was gonna prank the one guy but they ended up pranking him. When he got out of the trunk his face was priceless.
I want to see it too...just never have the time, but if it's as good as people are saying then I'll have to make time or buy it immediately when it comes on DVD
LOL, i went to a certain website and downloaded a certain thing. When I first saw it it waz relly nazty! they were putting a tube up one of the guys ass. I didnt watch it from there on but I think im gonna "rewatch" it :tongue: