Personally, I hate Quentin Tarantino. I saw some of Pulp Fiction, got really bored. Saw the first 20 minutes of Death Proof, became even more bored. This movie though, got my attention when I saw the advertisement. It's got good actors, humor, and nazi killin'. Sounds like a good combination. Any thoughts upon this film?
Lt. Aldo Raine: [the Basterds are breaking Sgt. Stiglitz out of jail] Sgt. Hugo Stiglitz? [Sgt. Stiglitz nods] Lt. Aldo Raine: Lt. Aldo Raine. These are the Basterds, ever heard of us? [Sgt. Stiglitz nods] Lt. Aldo Raine: We just wanted to say we're a big fan of your work. When it comes to killing Nazis... Nazi Guard: Uggghhhhaahhh [one of the Basterds shoots him] Lt. Aldo Raine: -I think you show great talent. And I pride myself on having an eye for that kind of talent. Your status as a Nazi killer is... still amateur. We all come here to see if you wanna go ---... I'm seeing this movie for sure. Not going to miss a Natzi Killing Film ahaha
If you didn't like Pulp Fiction it's probably because you don't like good cinema. Pulp Fiction was Tarantino's best movie to date. A lot of people don't like it though, due to the method of story telling he used back when he made intelligent movies. People got confused by the disjoined and erratic storyline. It's not until the last 25 minutes or so that it all joins together and the puzzle pieces lock into place. If you never saw Pulp Fiction from beginning to end it's not surprising you didn't understand it.
Pulp Fiction is an amazing movie. Definitely his best film to date, followed closely by the Kill Bill volumes and Reservoir Dogs. Cannot wait to see this movie, have been looking forward to it since I heard of it. Looks rather funny.
Did you really just say you watched Pulp Fiction and got bored? That in itself is an oxymoron. Please help my brain from this horrific innuendo... I have to ask, what are some of your favorite movies?
It is a difficult movie to follow, and to get in to. I mean they start with the first scene (which eventually cuts with the last scene) and then flip to a new scene, which makes no sense with the old scene, and then flip to another scene, which barely connects to either. It is like the first time you read War and Peace, nearly impossible to understand. The second scene is engaging though, Travolta and Jackson are a perfect match.