Hi there, Do anyone know where I can get IBStore for IPB 1.3? It's my understanding that you've had a shop system here on GameRenders that allowed people to download it for credits earned by posting.. I see you've gotten rid of that shop, however, I am really in need of that IBStore shop, so if anyone happen to still be in possession of this script, I'd be very grateful if you could upload it for me Thank you so much in advance !
I'm not too sure myself, but you'll have to wait a little bit for a decent response from someone. This forum hasn't been very active recently, but you should get a knowledgable response soon.
This forum switched the software that runs it, hence the lack of a shop. It's now running vBulletin. I'm not sure about IPB. I never really administered a site from that perspective.
You may be able to find somebody with it here: http://community.invisionpower.com I have gone threw all the files i have but must have deleted it long ago, sorry i couldn't help more...
I haven't paid for IPB. One of the reasons I run 1.3.1, and I think you must have a valid license in order to use that forum. Anyway, thanks alot, I'm sure someone at that site got it. ^_^ So, no one here at GameRenders still got it?
Sorry for doubleposting, but I just wanted to say that I'm willing to pay for it Even though it's old, it seems odd that really _no one_ have this somewhere on their harddrive.
Yea, IPB 3.x has already been released. However, I do not have a license for it, and 1.3.x is free to use legally ^^ Furthermore, I have customized good portions of the system. Thus it would be the best if I can get the mod for 1.3.x
Yeh it had alot of bugs & security risks but i understand why your using because of the free thing, but like the great Llama said "watch out" with it...