Really a shocker, but I think it was to keep everything interesting. Hey, after Civil War, everyone from Iron Man, to Spider-Man, revealed themselves. They just did it faster than usual. Seriously, the best Marvel studios has ever created. Intelligent, funny, true-to-comics. It's what a comic book movie should be. Loved it, didn't even feel like it was 2 hours. I've seen the movie twice, planning on seeing it a third time.
I went to see Iron Man this past weekend, honestly it was a lot better than I expected. After seeing Spiderman 3 which in my opinion sucked compared to the first and second, this was a breath of fresh air. My only complaint really is that there weren't enough scenes where he was out fighting baddies. Overall, worth my 8 bucks and bag of popcorn As for the previous post, yeah I didn't get that last part. He might as well put a bullseye on his forehead for all the bad guys to see. Then again I didn't read the comics so I'm not sure how it goes anyway. And the after-credit scene gives me hope for another movie
The movie seemed as good if not better then the first Spider-man. The beginning was pretty tight though, way better then the start off to spiderman. Chase a bus and then bit by spider? Or get captured by terrorists? Yeeeah... Ironman kicked ass.
Damn i left right at the end, what's that scene after the credits some guys are talking about ??? Plz tell me
Awesome movie, very very good! and to anyone who missed the end scene after the credits, a friend of mine video'd it on his phone and uploaded it: Enjoy
I seen it a week ago and i didnt think it was just wasnt that gd. I was looking foward to it but i thought it was just ok.
i thoguht this movie was going to be awsome but it turned out to be just decent for me cause i am not that big of a super hero movie fan so yeah i did not like it that much i would rate it around 2.5/5 extra .5 of speical effects ... thanks , -Sn00p-
Special effects were nice, but the plot wasn't anything great. All these comic-based superhero movies are too similar. Hollywood knows what makes the money, though, so that's what we get. The fight scene/climax seemed really short, too. After that scene, all I was thinking was "that's it?" It was a bit disappointing.