I Come Back

Discussion in 'Signatures' started by Elbos, Sep 25, 2009.

  1. Elbos

    Elbos Member

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    Aug 7, 2007
    I know, i have not been a very active user and my english sux, but... I want to become a ------ artist and want to learn more english too, Here they are some of my new signatures:

    Be critical
  2. Strykor

    Strykor Well-Known Member

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    Mar 19, 2008
    First one looks very off. There is no real flow, a light source at the bottom although the light comes from everywhere and the text is misplaced. The contrast is too high and the render too hard to see. The colors are off as well.
    2: This one looks pretty okay in my opinion. I am not a friend of those white line soft light borders so pleace just remove it. This time the text fits perfect but the colors are too strong in my point of view. However, you could put the contrast a little down, it is really hard to see what is actually laying there, I think it is something like a bullet? :> There could be some more effects on the right side since it seems very empty.
    3: This one is pretty better than those before although I do not really like it. You blurred his hair too much and applied odd filters on it so that it looks like crappy rendered. Or is it rendered crappily? :X Would be even worse. Well, the text is distracting, you should only consider one side if you are adding a text to such a signature. Here you have multiple light sources, concentrate on one, maybe coming from the front and not three. :>
    The flow on the left and right side are off. And the depth is kinda missing, the second signature got the best depth.
    4: Definitely my favorite signature. :> Really nice job on that one if you consider all the others. Just remove those white lights which you randomly added because they do not fit into that scheme. The color here is nice (lawl it is only green however :)) and I pretty like all the effects around it. It creates some feeling of depth on the left side, therefore there are some effects missing on the right. I would add your name somewhere downer that line going through the apple, that would look even a little better.

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