Awesome movie. I prefer the original ending used though. Seems more realistic to me. Worst part of the movie has to be when the doggie dies though. I've seen it about 3 times with my girlfriend (including the time in the cinema) and she still cries every time the doggie dies ^^
its a must watch movie thats all i got to say i have seen it 3 times to will smith did good job in it if you have not seen the movie then you should rent it
Will Smith is an AMAZING actor.. Being the only talking character in a movie for 3/4 of the time is hard.
i found the alternate ending better than the original, the original was still good but didnt fit as well as the alt ending imo.
really?the alternate ending?i like the original one because it fits best with the story,to me the alternate ending just seems as a some ending to please those who didn't want Will Smith to die. I didn't want him to die either though but I like the original better
This movie was ok. Not the best I've seen. That dog was so beyond 1337. Also the movie was too fast. 1 hour and something minutes.
There has been an alternative ending of this movie, I have watched it and find it more interesting than the original one!
Now I don't think we can spoil the thread, its not allowed maybe. But you must watch it, its so damn awesome!