The takezo kensei storyline kind've shocked me i thought after going back to the past and after all those events he would find out he was the takezo kensei somehow. But they made it different.
most likely she doesnt have one, I dont think they will give her one either I knew the Nikki was gonna die she had the virus so she is dead either way, Nathan I was shocked. Adam has to be in V3 since he is still alive. Hiro has step up compared V1 And theirs always a chance some one can be revived from the dead know, since Bennett V3 will be nice
At first i thought they pulled that crap TV shows do with these supernatural things Maya got shot and died then got revived and counted that as 1 hero down. When i saw that i was pissed and eager to see how it would end up. If they killed Hiro that show is dead to me. Nathan wasn't that suprising to me what more can they do with an ex-political figure and they got his power covered since that West kid can fly also.
If people didn't see the season yet, then tough Its doesnt make any sense to come into a thread called Heroes, and expect everything to be in spoiler tags, and Phane what >.>
I know im gonna get flamed for this but...this show fails. But i have reasons. 1) Heroes is X-Men - school + drama(the kissy kissy kind). 2) the storyline is not a story line, its a story scribble. And just to prove it, at any point in time, the little asian dip**** can go back to before he ever met Adam in feudal japan and cut his head off with that stupid sword he carries around with him. Ta-da, problem solved...or if you think that would screw up history, he can do the exact same thing right after adam kills his dad. In fact, he can pause time and get a good swing going. 3) no-one ever bothered trying to cure aids. 4) the same exact thing that i talked about in #2 with the time traveler can be said about the policeman that can tell people what to do. Step 1: Mr. president, I need to use your microphone Step 2: Everyone, make me your king, then live happily ever after. 5) peter yea...he got knocked out....then he lived in Ireland....then he went forward in time??...then he went more forward???...or did he go back??? then he went back??? but the lightning girl didn't know who he was so that came first...and thats when i changed the channel. I hate heroes. They should kill off everyone except the dad and give him his own show...where he breaks out of that prison he's in...and runs away to panama...only to be captured again. Heroes is the storyline equivalent of a seizure.
die right now like now heroes is AWESOME !!! and if nathan dies it's bull----, and i feel sorry for adam .. hiro owned him
yeh i wasnt really happy with that, but do they need 2 people who can fly with West in there now? Finally Sylar has his powers coming back :lol:
1) That's a bad thing? 2) If Hiro killed Adam when he went back in time to see his father die he would have screwed up the future. He had to do it in the present but since Peter was with Adam he (Hiro) couldn't use his powers properly. 3) Didn't they just start experimenting with the healer's blood? I could be wrong but if I'm right then it wouldn't be a good idea to inject someone without knowing the consequences. 4) The show is called Heroes, not Abuse your Special Abilities. 5) I thought he went to the future, lost Caitlin, and then came back to the time where he left. Peter's story confuses me *sigh*