I enjoyed it, but despite its length it still had a *lot* of content missing... which was fairly surprising, considering how important some parts they left out were.
There are extremely important things that should have been placed into the movie that were in the book that mean much more than what was in there, like more information behind the Horcruxes, about how Dumbledore's deformed hand from the Horcrux, more about Voldemort and his past, and a slight bit of information leading towards the Deathly Hallows among many other things. I am assuming they are intending to introduce all of these and complete the storyline in the Deathly Hallows movies, but even then the Deathly Hallow book itself has a *lot* of information I doubt would be placed into just 2 movies... so frustrating.
Exactly. And the end of the movie didn't happen that way either. I don't want to post bc of spoilers. But I think you know Dem.
Anyone with half a brain could figure out why his hand turned that way considering Dumbledore practically tells you in the movie. No-one needs any more information about the Horcruxes...they are used to make someone immortal, so Voldemort used them. Plain and simple.
Watched it yesterday at the Cinema. Conclusion: One of the worst films I have seen in 2009, the film seemed more like of Comedy genre than adventure/thriller.
No shit, but there is more in the books about the history being the horcruxes, and how they effect the person who made them, etc. The *entire* seventh book practically revolves around the horcruxes that are still out there and a very minor bit about the deathly hallows (mostly about 1 in particular).
I found the movie disappointing. Yes, it definitely was a lot more funnier than any of the previous films, and I have to admit it looked stunning too, but other than that it really didn't tie anything together. I felt like I was just thrown in to guess what the outcome of every scene was gonna be. They changed a lot of crucial things that they really didn't have too, and then had to nerve to fill it up with things that only wasted more time. So all in all as a movie I guess you could consider it entertaining, but as far as capturing the story of the 6th book, forget about it. Hopefully they can somehow fit all the missing details in the next movie.
Yeah, but they'd have to be careful of cutting out things from the seventh book. Everything in that book matters, almost every detail. :3