I Declare War HeavyHeavyLowLow Job For A Cowboy Knights of The Abyss The Warriors xAFBx Unearth Misery Signals Dead to Fall Terror Winter Solstice Alllll choice bands if you ask me.
still the old "slipknot/bmth have more meaningful and well written lyrics than any other band on the planet" thing.
dude can you please just grow up a little bit? not everyone is into the obscure crap that you preach...
Absurdity is the only reality though. At the same time, everybody who puts in their opinion does NOT always have to be positive towards something. While everyone has every "right" to masturbate to "LOL I'M SO HARDCORE FOR SUBURBAN TEENAGE KIDS WHO THINK THEY HAVE IT TOUGH", I have every "right" to hate it. It's not as if I'm throwing personal attacks on people, or making assumptions on things I haven't already heard for myself. That would be a different situation. And what obscure crap? Since when is there such a crime against obscurity, anyways? Obscurity is pretty much essentially all music has left since so many damn bands give themselves up to do whatever everyone else is doing rather than doing something for themselves in their own right, in their own originality and OWN style. And Disillusion, you follow everything as long as there's a leash on your collar, don't you? The music > The lyrics.
Disillusion. Slipknot, BMTH etc. etc. don't choose their lyrics, do they ------. Fact is EVERY mainstream band (Basically anything you find on Kerrang) is molded, edited and controlled to the point where there is no musical integrity left. You honestly think they put their heart and soul into the lyrics? They do whatever it takes to make them a bit more money, to make them a bit more popular. I listen to my fair share of mainstream crap and even I'm not as deluded as you are. Every song about hurt, pain, the girl who ran away, losing friends ; all that kind of crap has been written millions of times before and has no more meaning then if Britney sang the same damn song. PS : Slipknots latest single put the final nail in their coffin, it wasn't metal, it was essentially pop-rock. Busted could have released it.
If anyone wants a fun fact about slipknot: They originally had a harsher singer who sang in a more death metal style but they got rid of him and brought in Corey because they thought they'd be able to reach a more mainstream audience with his voice. HOORAY FOR COMPROMISE.
Lyrics > Music Things like if the band is Christian, I don't listen to them because Religion isn't real. Eh, Bluefalcon, it must be pretty sweet to have the perfect life hey, since you can hate on other peoples? lol fag.
If you think the lyrics are more important than the music, go read a poem. Honestly I'm all for antireligion but I don't really give a ---- if a band I'm listening to is Christian. If they are notably singing about how awesome jesus is it will probably annoy me but if they just happen to be religious yet also musically talented then I'll listen to them. Hell, there are probably bands you listen to that are Christian, you just don't know it. It still also astounds me that you listen to music for the lyrics yet you listen to BMTH.
the thing is you are negative about anything that you didn't post yourself, you act degrading about all the music you don't like because it's not as musically complicated or original as the experimental/obscure/aternative (goddamn too much terms) stuff you like... Ofcourse Slipknot is worth ---- musically, but people can still enjoy listening to it even if you don't...
"If you need me ill be tying a rope to the tree, were our love used to be." "I've made my bed so i'll lie in it. I've dug my grave so I'll die in it. tell all my friends I said goodbye, clenched teeth and fluttering eyes I cant go on like this." and "I won't give up on you These scars won't tear us apart So don't give up on me It's not too late for us And I'll save you from yourself And I'll save you from yourself" STUFF I CAN RELATE TOO.
as I would've guessed, which is why it's funny that you claim to relate to songs about committing suicide because of an ex. Emo much?
as I would've guessed, which is why it's funny that you claim to relate to songs about committing suicide because of an ex. Emo much? [/b][/quote] Not my fault haha. I used to make fun of the emo kids, but I'm not emo, I'm Scene =) [/b][/quote] ya whatever, emo attitude is emo. lern2love DUDE