decapitate her and bring her head to athena unlike her sisters, she ain't no deathless god. ---- thats deep!
Why don't you choose two and tell us what their meaning is. Purity, for christ sake. Its about a girl in a box... thats some deep meaningful ----.
Yeah, and my point is they don't mean anything so this is impossible. I SMELL THE LIES,MARCHING ON YOUR BLACKENED LUNGS BIIIIIIIIIITCH
Or any other album? I really think you wouldn't understand Vol.3 though, you seem kinda like an idiot. All you're really doing this thread is going off of what that other guy says, sheep.
Actually I believe I was one of the first people to call you out on the bull----ness of what you're saying but whatever. And you keep acting as if Slipknot songs are so deep and profound that only geniuses can understand them. Newsflash: They're not. They're meaningless sentences grouped together to form some sort of a story, some maggot will post on their forums what their interpretation of the whole song is and suddenly BAM, meaningful songs. The sad thing is I actually don't mind slipknot, I just hate their stupid ------ing fangroup who think they're the best thing since ------ing jesus.
Disillusion, instead of telling us theres meaning behind the songs, tell us. Explain the meaning behind The blisters Exists + Opium of the people. edit: also i dont dislike slipknot, hell im going to see them in 5days but hell i even know their songs have ------ all meaning.
He's too busy working out the deep meaning behind our posts to be able to respond to more than one at a time.
If slipknot have taught me one thing, it's that people are infact equal to shit. I'm pretty sure Corey Taylor probably did some mathematical tests to prove that too.