Halo 3, A Great Sequel!

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by Link_2006, Sep 23, 2007.

  1. taiiigah

    taiiigah Member

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    Sep 23, 2007
    ahh its coming out today/tomoro
  2. Forge

    Forge Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    Jul 10, 2007
    I just got home from gamestop. I paid off my pre-order. Im going back later on. There were so many people. I cant wait for this game !
  3. Frog

    Frog Well-Known Member

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    Jul 25, 2006
    New York
    ..."Console tards?" I don't have anything to say to that. :mellow: And it's called an FPS. People love going on killing sprees because it's fun. It's the same as CounterStrike and Gears of War.

    Where do you get that? If anyone masturbates to a guy in a suit of armor shooting aliens it has nothing to do with owning a console system. Halo 3 doesn't in any way have 'sub-par graphics' and if you haven't been hiding in a hole for the last five years you'd know that. Just because Crysis has good graphics doesn't mean Halo can't or Halo's are sub-par. And after calling Halo fans 'console tards' and Halo 3 'Gaylo 3', you whine about them bashing other consoles and games?

    Welcome to the internet. This happens. It happens in Halo, it's going to happen in Crysis too.

    '----ty console'? See above. <_< Out of the most popular consoles out right now, the Xbox360 has the best graphics. Microsoft loses money with each Xbox it sells, hoping it'll make it back through game sales. Get your facts straight. And you're obviously obsessed with Crysis. Get over it.

    You like Crysis. But you don't like first person shooters. You're concerned about what other people masturbate to. You claim BOTH Halo AND the Xbox have 'sub-par' graphics. You don't like people who whine about other consoles and games but you call them 'console tards' and Halo 'Gaylo'. You have no idea how to deal with rocket launchers and you get mad at people saying 'lol pwned' to you.

    Not to mention you obviously have a dislike of gays... which needs fixing as there are quite a bit of them on this forum.
  4. Aedus

    Aedus Senior Member

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    May 10, 2006
    London, England
    My best girl mate from work is a lesbian, and 2 of my guy mates are bi-sexual

    Yah, sure I "dislike" gays.

    What aload of bull----.

    Btw you aren't allowed to -rep for posts in the games forum, fool. Hence why it's disabled.

    Xbox 360 is subpar graphics, deal with it.
  5. The Flash

    The Flash Active Member

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    Oct 24, 2006
    woot i played it already. my friend's aunt won it and gave it to him yesterday. it was one of 1,000 advanced copies so it was pretty cool. it was actually marked 2/1000

    it was good, i only played the first level in campaign. from what i know there was nothing new from halo 2, but then again i don't have halo 1 or 2 or even an xbox but i have played it quite a bit. the only new thing i noticed was a covenant sword thing that i picked up. it destroyed everything in it's path lol.

    then i played a bit of slayer today during my lunch period. i beat my friend 10-7 :P not that you care. we played on a level that i recognized from halo 2 not sure of the name of it though. what i noticed new from player slayer was an atv that was pretty cool, no weapons though just a horn lol. also there were different pickups such as a radar jam. and also you can rip the turrets out of the ground and walk around with it.

    right so now that i've typed all that, u guys probably already know about all the new stuff by reading reviews but i figured i share and brag lol.
  6. xlink

    xlink GR's Tech Enthusiast

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    Nov 19, 2004
    depends on how you define subpar.

    I can't think of anything else that's $300 and offers comparable graphics performance. Sure the load times are a bit "eugh" but you have to admit that games are really well made on the platform.

    by PC standards where one has the potential for over three times the graphical performance, then yes that's true, but for the average person who isn't technically inclined and doesn't want to bother with M$ and their bs... err with ... dangit M$ is monopolizing... the point remains though, console gaming has it's strengths.
  7. Aedus

    Aedus Senior Member

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    May 10, 2006
    London, England
    For $300 I admit, they are good, yes, cost's that alone for a decent graphics card on the PC.

    But console kids will always try and say "OMG consoles > PCS"

    Does my head in.

    Some console games are okay, like Zelda, or MGS, or Bioshock.

    But run around, blast the ---- out of everything in my way and get upset when my killstreak gets ruined just isn't for me.

    I dunno how people can play FPS games with a control though, the mouse is oh so much better
  8. xlink

    xlink GR's Tech Enthusiast

    Likes Received:
    Nov 19, 2004
    I believe you're able to use mice on the xbox 360. and yes the controllers do suck. deal, a lot of people like them though as it seems more natural.

    and that is neither here nor there. This is about halo 3 and how it's over/underrated, how everyone's opinion aside form yours is wrong and how much you can't wait/are apathetic about the game
  9. Aedus

    Aedus Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    May 10, 2006
    London, England
    Never knew you could use a mouse + keyboard, would be quite good if you could.
  10. Frog

    Frog Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    Jul 25, 2006
    New York

  11. -=DaRKSTaR=-

    -=DaRKSTaR=- Senior Member

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    Mar 30, 2005
    England, UK
    Agreed :) Played halo 1 thought it was good since it was the first one out and then played halo 2 .. Crap

    Never liked halo 2 nor will i like halo 3 since its just a normal fps like the others with improved visuals and suped up inventory.

    There's really two questions here:

    1. Which game will be the bigger game in terms of sales?
    2. Which will be the overall better game?

    1. Halo 3 will undoubtedly be the bigger game that will blow away all sales records.
    2. Crysis will be the better game by story, gameplay, graphics, sound, & [multiplayer]. < might get flamed for that

    Your typical PC Gamer is usually a sharp individual who has tinkered with technology most of their life. They've played FPS' for quite some time now since that is where FPS originated. Gameplay that was deemed innovative and stunning in Halo 1 & 2 has been seen before in other FPS for the PC. I found Halo 1 & 2 to be entertaining but in terms of gameplay, something like Half Life 2 blows them out of the water.

    Now the Console Player has, unfortunately in many ways, been deprived of FPS till the introduction of Halo. So when Halo hit the shelves long ago, it was a major hit because many console fans have never seen a game like it. They don't know how to use a computer so they haven't grown up with FPS like the average PC gamer.

    PC Gamers have high standards when it comes to FPS. And there are so many console gamers out there that will never get into PC Gaming because all they know how to do is plug in the console and put a disk in the optical drive. I know that Halo 3 will outsell Crysis since there are so many ignorant console gamers out there in relation to intelligent PC Gamers.

    The console gamers will flock like sheep to Halo 3 while the PC Gamers will enjoy one of the best games of year - Crysis

    End of Summary :)

    Dont call me a PC fanboy or Crysis fanboy .. I have probably played more games than you in your entire life

    Which brings me onto ... Crysis Vs Halo 3 - I would call it Gaylo but might get flamed again lol

    Thread: http://www.gamerenders.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=354506
  12. xX King

    xX King Well-Known Member

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    Jun 1, 2006
    I swear i hate when people talk crap about a game without playing it first. Everyone tries to act cool and be different and say, WOW GAYLO 3, i swear, if you want to use your computer go ahead, playing on a computer is so gay, and easy. Used to play counter strike and UT, i must say, h3 is the best thing multilayer in the history of FPS. Graphics are decent, game play is good, competition is going to be huge, and the room for customization is big. This game will get picked up by MLG and they will also skyrocket. I suggest people to buy some MLG stocks right now.
  13. ramzhal

    ramzhal Member

    Likes Received:
    Jul 24, 2007
    about to put it into my 360 w00t
  14. bluefalcon_ad

    bluefalcon_ad Well-Known Member

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    Apr 15, 2006
    So, today I was listening to the morning radio station I always listen to. They were taking calls from people who bought Halo 3, or had family/friends who bought it. This 17 year old called in, and said "HALO 3 IS AWESOME" and started going on and on and on and ON about how "great" it is.

    They came to a question of "Do you have a girlfriend?" and he replied, "Who needs a girlfriend? I HAVE HALO 3!! FINISH THE FIGHT!" and he kept on going on and on and on uselessly until the point where they actually hung up on him.

    Hilariously sad when I heard it. Heh.

    People put aside their education, their family, friends, LIFE, just for this one game. Staying up until midnight just to get a disc and some other useless crap for more money. This is one reason why gaming has slowly turned away from my life. If this is what MAKES you a gamer, rather than simply enjoying a fun game, then I don't think there's a point in anyone wasting their life on it.
  15. Pulse.

    Pulse. Well-Known Member

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    Jul 12, 2005
    Reading, UK
    keyword in all of that is multi-player for gaylo 3 ;) (sry had to use it :lol: )

    not everyone has a 360 or xbl, so theres not much for people who dont have either of those to do once they complete Halo 3, as they wont be able to get hold of any extras for the game. The game is bound to be picked up by most online gaming ladders due to its popularity with the 360/halo fanboys and any clans from the other games looking to move onto Halo 3.

    And how can Halo 3 be the best multiplayer in the history of fps when its not even out yet?idk..(but thats your opinion and i respect that)

    It'll be pretty interesting to see if it becomes the best selling Halo in the series and what people have to say about it and to also see what happens to the game in the future when the games been out a while.

    Im a sony fan so im looking forward to Haze and Killzone 2, and also for PC when crysis and cod 4 come out and what happens with those.

    but i hope you xbox peeps enjoy it when you get it :D

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