
Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by .Arkane, Jan 6, 2009.

  1. BabyLeo

    BabyLeo Well-Known Member

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    Nov 4, 2005
    Stopping ------ing spamming. Don't post if you don't have anything useful to say.
  2. Sock

    Sock Well-Known Member

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    Aug 4, 2005
    Contribute your drug-knowledge, Eee...kz.
  3. sag3

    sag3 New Member

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    Jan 12, 2009
    I' had to watch for my cousin who did Salvia for the first time .

    x200 , he was mumbling and laughing . he said he saw flying vaginas. :\
  4. BabyLeo

    BabyLeo Well-Known Member

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    Nov 4, 2005
    x200? You mean 200X? The Brand? Because I'm positive x200 potency doesn't exist.
  5. dementia

    dementia Well-Known Member

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    May 21, 2005
    The amount of ignorance on the first page alone is enough to drive a sane, intelligent man crazy.

    I dare not even read the rest of the topic.
  6. BabyLeo

    BabyLeo Well-Known Member

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    Nov 4, 2005
    Ignorance about what exactly.
  7. .//XeN-

    .//XeN- Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    Sep 18, 2005
    you arn't missing out on much.
  8. dementia

    dementia Well-Known Member

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    May 21, 2005
    You aren't seriously asking that are you? Or have the drugs already started burning enough of your brain cells you can't comprehend the meaning of ignorance when discussing drugs on a children's site?

    1 - Ecstasy is one of the leading causes of high school and college related deaths. Why? Because its effects are not normal and thus aren't reponsded to in the way as to say... pot. It makes you feel as if you are thirsty, dried out, etc. when its strictly your mind. People end up flooding their system with liquids to prevent from their mind shutting down due to the effect of the pill.

    2 - If you think meth is much worse than Ecstasy, you are pretty far off. Want to know why? Both of them are made at home from a mixture of chemicals with no specified compounds. In the same way some mushrooms don't do jack when other mushrooms get you to the point where you see the sound vibrating from your speakers. Ecstasy can be made from shitty ingredients and be shitty or completely fry your brain and entire system in a single shot.

    3 - Regarding salvia.... seriously? Salvia is a drug used by people who are too big of a pussy to even try drugs. The only thing this is for is to claim that you are 'one of the druggies' without actually being a druggy. You are more stupid than the individuals engaging in actual drugs. Want to know why? Because you are doing it to be cool, and you know drugs are bad for you which is why you do salvia in the first place. So... you understand drugs are bad, illegal and can get yourself killed... but you still want to fit in... how about a legal 'drug' that doesn't do jack shit?

    4 - All of you 'acid trippers' are lying. Want to know how I know? Real acid poppers don't post about their usage on the internet. Want to know why? Acid is one of the leading drugs in the nation to submit people to psychiatric wards on the first use, it is EXTREMELY addictive and has some extremely serious side effects. I used to volunteer at an alternative learning facility where people who had trouble fitting into the normal society and schooling went. They had sugar cubes that they freely gave to a lot of their students due to their past usage of acid and how the sugar cube gave them the simple setting to calm them down from having a nervous breakdown due to comfort. Some people couldn't be helped with strictly sugar cubes, and we are talking kids 14-16 who didn't even get too invested in it. Those people were sent off to the hospital, and quite a few of them institutionalized for a period of time to go through rehab.

    5 - Shrooms are some of the weakest hallucinogenics you can possibly get. 'Dude, I am hardcore, I am tripping balls on shrooms'. No, you are being a dipshit and eating food that is poison to your system. The only smart thing about this is that it can potentially nourish you with an adverse effect being hallucinations, something none of the other drugs in this thread can do.

    6 - DXM... cough syrup... are you guys so fucking stupid that you honestly think this is even strong enough to be considered an actual drug? You realize how much coedine you need to consume before you start getting an actual high? You realize that probably every person who claims to have tried it or knows someone who has tried it hasn't even gotten high from it? Coedine puts you to sleep, your body creates chemicals upon sleeping which cause... *gasp* you guessed it... DREAMS. This is what DXM gives you, you may as well be popping sleeping pills, but being too pussy to do that because the sleeping pills actually run the risk of killing you.

    7 - Cocaine, you haven't tried it, stop trying to brag about it. You want someone who has tried coke, try talking to my mom.

    8 - "There really aren't any from trying them once." This has to be the single most stupid fucking thing in the thread. Yeah, drugs have absolutely no side effects the first time you use them. Yup, completely true. How about you just stick a needle full of liquid rat poison into your arm and inject? It's nearly the same thing. People who haven't done a drug before are the MOST likely people to overdose on a drug. People who haven't done a drug before have NO tolerance built up for the drug. People doing the drug before often times have NO clue where it was made or the potency of the drug. I don't even think I have to continue to show how fucking stupid that comment is.

    9 - "Consistently doing them though will prolly ------ up your system permanently." This is the second most stupid thing said in this thread. Drugs 'prolly' will **** up your system. No shit, sherlock. You know mental asylums? Psychiatric care units? You realize most of the people in those places are self induced through drug usage? You realize that every illegal substance you are putting into your body is a poison? Here is a good metaphor for what you are doing... putting drugs into your system is like trying to equip a speedhack from virus.com to increase your internet speed. Sure, you may speed up your internet 10x by reconfiguring your network controls via the hack, but in the background its downloading more and more shit that is going to mess your system up nearly permenately. It may not be immediate, but eventually it'll catch up.

    10 - Speed is nothing more than homemade caffeine tablets. You want to be on speed, go swallow 5 caffeine pills, its the equivelent of like 50 cups of coffee, guaranteed you won't be sleeping anytime soon and you aren't going to be tired until it wears off and you pass out for 24 hours.

    Let's move onto the next most idiotic post in the thread (still on the first page):
    1 - One of the first things to go no matter what type of drug or how you ingest it is system failure. Doesn't matter if you snort, shoot, digest, smoke, etc.
    2 - You are doing meth / coke / heroin and you are worried about the rotting of your teeth. You are the epitamy of reason why I hate people in modern society.
    3 - You realize there are literally thousands of cases like this recorded that occur on your first trip? You are aware that most party drugs have a high percentage of death and permenant system failure on your first try?
    4 - No shit... memory loss? Oh man, you could have NEVER expected that while doing drugs. </sarcasm>

    Shall I continue onto page 2?

    In case you are wondering why I am 100% straight edge it is because I grew up in my mothers house and numerous foster homes where I saw the effects of drugs on people. I know exactly what happens through repeated use and trust me I have written plenty of papers regarding the use of drugs, considering I went to school for psychology.

    You people, in this thread, disgust me.
  9. BabyLeo

    BabyLeo Well-Known Member

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    Nov 4, 2005
    What do you mean by getting high exactly when talking about DXM, cause I really never fell asleep or experienced what you said.
    I'm assuming the speed comment was for someone else cause I didn't mention speed.
    I'm definitely more informed about Meth now. Like I said I don't research something if I'm not doing it.
    I've tried coke only once. I never said I did it multiple times. And I didn't even snort it. I iced my mouth I think it's called.
    My sideeffects comment was pretty stupid. I apologize.
    The other sideeffect comment, I guess you can take the prolly out. I talk weird.
    As for the acid thing I know a kid who kind fried his brain from his first time. He talks weirder then he did before and he's autistic as for myself I found the effects close to being on DXM.

    And I have an uncle who died overdosing on heroin. I have another whose addicted to pills among other drugs and my dad isn't much better off either. I know it's stupid. I know it's illegal. I don't deny any of those things, but I do it because I enjoy it and when I want to stop that's when I'll worry about it and when I get sick that's when I'll worry about the sideeffects. It's a stupid way if not completely ------ing retarded way to look at it, but this is how I choose to live my life.
  10. Sock

    Sock Well-Known Member

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    Aug 4, 2005
    No love for my Aldous Huxley comment?

    That's simply not fair, Dem. I feel left out. In the cold. On my own.

    Sad face.
  11. Ikuzo

    Ikuzo Well-Known Member

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    May 28, 2005
    Manchester, UK
    I took pills and do coke at the weekend, in my late teens. I wasn't a heavy user but it makes the nights better.

    I didn't do coke as much as pills, on extacy I'd dance for hours, hug everyone I know and just be super active till it wears off a few hours later. Extacy was the most common drug amongst my "social network" so I kind of couldn't hide from them.

    Coke came out every now and again though, I didn't really like taking it because I'd do stupid things on it. Like get involved in other peoples fights/arguments or start an argument myself, it doesn't have the best effect on me.

    I'm not saying drugs are a good thing. I advise anyone not to take them, but if you have, it's hard to hide from the fact that they make a night 100x better.
  12. dementia

    dementia Well-Known Member

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    May 21, 2005
    If you need drugs to enjoy yourself, your life must suck.
  13. Ikuzo

    Ikuzo Well-Known Member

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    May 28, 2005
    Manchester, UK
    I haven't taken anything for over 2 years, but in my prime teen years 16-18, it was hard to get away from them. When the beers started flowing I wouldn't just take them if they were offered, but I'd go looking for them. I'm not proud of that at all.

    Present day, I'm completely against drugs. And as hypocritical as it is, I despise those drug takers. I don't despise those seriously addicted, but those who take the drugs for granted, for a good time. If I could I'd punch some sense into all of them. But that's not possible.
  14. Ryuuji

    Ryuuji Senior Member

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    Jun 21, 2008
    First of all, I don't see why this thread's name is "Hallucinogens".
    Not even half the substances mentioned in the topic can be considered Hallucinogens.

    I did read some stupid comments in the thread, but I don't agree with points 4 and 5 of Dementia's post.


    Acids, like lsd, do have huge negative side effects on the brain (that ------ you up worse with prolonged use, but even that 1 time you try it you'll notice something weird in the following weeks. Unless you have a bad trip, then you'll hide in your closet till the police comes and gets you to rehab).
    However, they are not addictive. It is a proven fact, and only users addicted to many drugs might develop a psychological habit out of acids too (just like they might with chewing-gum, or killing cats...).
    According to medical research, they aren't addictive because your system will develop enugh tolerance after the use, that taking it right the next day won't do you anything at all, and this makes it so even a regular user won't take enough of it in a short time enough to become addicted (simply because the substance induces very little physical dipendence).


    Shrooms generally have a weaker effect than acids (with good shrooms, the trip will generally last half the time of an acid trip), but not too weak.
    the point is that there is a large variety of shrooms, which differ in effects.
    Theorically, there are "supposed" to be 5 stages of hallucinogenic trip on LSD, and the most powerful kinds of shrooms reach the 4th stage .
    the problem is that it's not very common/easy to get those shrooms, because dealers have interest in selling less valuable kinds, in countries were they're illegal, and they might be more expensive/unavailable/"frowned upon" in countries were they're legal.
  15. dementia

    dementia Well-Known Member

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    May 21, 2005
    You realize most drugs aren't a chemical dependancy, correct?

    By stating addiction I didn't mean a chemical addiction, I meant a 'feel good' addiction. People get addicted to the high and keep taking them, its a mental state, its not a chemical dependancy for the most part. *Some* drugs, including acids, ARE composed of a chemical mixture capable of creating a chemical dependancy to your body, but obviously nearly every drug is made at home and can be any one of numerous chemicals. If you want to figure out more you could check the most openly available source of information on the net - wikipedia. Every chemical runs the risk of a chemical addiction if used enough. Also, just because something is not a chemical addiction does not mean you won't suffer withdrawal. Even on feel good addictions your mind can become so adapt to a specific chemical compound input that when it isn't there your mind doesn't know what to do. Even knowing the body doesn't NEED the drug, your MIND needs the drug or it shuts itself down, its a very common psychological issue. The brain is an extremely strong mechanism, if it feels deprived it can do things to your body you wouldn't think possible. It is important when treating patients under a feel good addiction to treat them as if they have a chemical addiction, because if they don't receive a form of treatment, even placebos (again, if your mind believes its what it needs and its not an actual chemical dependancy, it will change) the mind will begin to shut down bodily functions and attempt to achieve the high from other means, such as soaking up nutrients and such from the rest of your system. Plenty of people end up dying this way.

    Almost every time you ingest drugs you have NO clue who made them, what they were cut with, where they were made, what happened to the drugs prior to getting to you. As an example a friend of mine was hospitalized after buying weed that had apparently been set into a strange opium mixture that screwed with his system. The fact is, unless you grow it, cook it, make it, or watch it in process and transportation, you have literally NO clue or guarantee that the drug is safe.

    Another example - a pure heroin mixture is a 1 dose kill on any person on the planet. Unfortuantely, quite a few people are too invested in the 'get rich quick' portion of the drug process (most colleges will teach you the chemical compound for heroin in science, I don't know why) and don't mix the formula with nuetral ingredients. How are you to know if what you are shooting up is pure heroin or a mix? You don't know, until you start tripping balls and by that point you will be going into shock by the time you reach the hospital if not worse, if you even recognize the effects of an overdose.

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