
Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by .Arkane, Jan 6, 2009.

  1. BabyLeo

    BabyLeo Well-Known Member

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    Nov 4, 2005

    Cause I can't flirt with girls when I'm high or drunk right?
  2. pwnzor

    pwnzor Senior Member

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    Mar 12, 2005
    You learn quickly, young padawan.
  3. Λtreyu

    Λtreyu Well-Known Member

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    Aug 29, 2005
    i just wrote a research paper for a criminology class at portland state university entitled "A Discussion on Possible Psilocybic Influence in the Cognitive Development of Early Humans", about a theory that suggests that the ingestion of small doses of psychedelic mushrooms actually aided in our early linguistic and cognitive development. basically, during the last ice age as our ancestors were pushed out of the forests of northern africa by the climatical changes into the grass lands of central africa, they found these new mushrooms that grew there, and ingested them in small doses. This caused an increase in visual acuity (something that happens with you ingest small doses of psilocybin) which obviously helped us when hunting and avoiding predetors. Besides an increase in visual acuity, small doses of psilocybin also cause an increase in sexual interest and an increase in imagination...something that "produces language using primates, acting as an evolutionary enzyme used as a catalyst in the early development of language." For one, psychedelic experiences can induce the speaking of tongues; which may have been our ancestors earliest form of structured verbal outbursts. It is suggested that during this time, when our early ancestors in central africa were introduced to these mushrooms in small doses for a span of 50,000 years, that attributes like language, altruism, organized planning and moral values began to arise; things that make us human, that make us unique from all other animals.
    this can also explain why humans and other primates are so sexually interested; we are one of the only species to do it for recreation rather than reproduction. this early ingestion of mushrooms caused us to begin experimenting with sex, seeing it now as an activity and a recreational experience that can strengthen emotional bonds between the ones that you love.
    i am not going to go into the theory in full detail, but you get the point.

    and cvf4, you basically voided your argument when you said that you have never drank or tried any drugs. How can you make an unbiased opinion on them then? Have you done any research on drugs? or the distinctions between them? You are incredibly young anyway. You probably do not know the separation between psychedelics and depressants or stimulants. most psychedelics are grown and produced by nature. and how can you explain the countless research articles on the possible medical significance of both LSD and psilocybin? the U.S. military, the C.I.A, Harvard University and hundreds of individual scientists from all across the globe have studied their psychotherapeutic benefits, and more recently their benefits in the treatment of alcoholism. Many of those extremely well educated scientists from Harvard and U.C. Berkeley who conducted studies on LSD actually tried the chemical themselves, proving their trust of the drug and proving that LSD and Psilocybin may actually be of medical significance. You are obviously vastly uneducated and biased in your views, and it comes out in your posts. psychedelic drugs are not even addicting; those are drugs like herion, coke, meth or prescribed pills. most legal prescription drugs are actually more addicting and potentially dangerous than all psycedelics. I am not saying that you should do drugs, but I am saying that you should not talk about drugs like you know about drugs. Human kind has been experimenting with peyote, mushrooms and DMT for millenniums, in civilizations ranging from the Incas, the Mayas, the Aztecs, Ancient Amazonians, Peruvians and Africans.

    and by the way, girls think that bad boys who do drugs are actually quite attractive. take it from me, i am older than you and have more experience in this field, I can almost guarantee you. minor drugs like weed and alcohol are a part of life; more adults do it than you think, it is basically a part of life in modern American culture
  4. Mortified Penguin

    Mortified Penguin Senior Member

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    Sep 28, 2006
    I stopped reading after that.
  5. Λtreyu

    Λtreyu Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    Aug 29, 2005
    i don't care...
  6. Mortified Penguin

    Mortified Penguin Senior Member

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    Sep 28, 2006
    Never said you care. Just telling you that you are wrong.
  7. dementia

    dementia Well-Known Member

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    May 21, 2005
    Consider *you* are pulling my move... let me one up you... by doing the same thing to you. I am sure your paper was quite well written, possibly well researched (but, sorry, hundreds of scientists trying one particular substance doesn't constitute fact, nor does their prestige associated with their career path), thats pretty awesome. I am pretty sure I have more formal college education than you (though you may have slightly more), and I am definitely sure you have more hands on experience with drugs (probably not alcohol). Now, you may ask... how can a clean (clean as in a beer or two on a bi-weekly basis) individual submit a non-biased opinion? Facts. You see, when I get bored, I don't read books, I go to the local library and either check out or order text books on human psychology. You see, I am a *big* fan of knowhing how and why things work, always have been. I am the guy who will buy a new piece of hardware to rip it apart, see how it works, put it back together and put it to use. Humans are, to modern societies standards, the single most advanced life form on the Earth, and as such I am extremely intrigued with the human psyche. Because of the fact I moved around the foster system for a good portion of my life due to drugs and abuse I am *very* intrigued with the effects of drugs on humans, especially because my personal research was a large portion as to why my mom was able to quit, and why many of my friends have since quit, from anything like weed all the way up to people like my mom whom had a chemical dependency on hard drugs and hallucinogenics.

    You mentioned how humans have been interacting with drugs throughout history, making it so, in your head, if someone *hasn't* tried them, they can't knock them. Human kind has been experimenting with cannibalism as well, but obviously you haven't tried it, so don't knock it, right? Sorry, but the way you are looking at that is retarded, both in my opinion and factually. In reality if you look at it the way you are looking at it *no one* can have an unbiased opinion. Either you have tried drugs, didn't like them and thus are against them, you do like them and you are for them, you haven't tried them and don't want them or you are simply a fan of freedom and believe people should make up their own mind and thus you are for them. There is not an unbiased opinion there. Yes, things you said were true, extremely mild amounts of specific chemical compounds *do* heighten senses, but that is just the positive aspect of usage, you failed to mention the negative effects of usage. Even in mild doses the negative effects of seemingly non-lethal drugs greatly outweigh the positive effects of the drug. This effect is further increased through repeated usage and long term usage, even in small amounts.

    Also, on a side note, I guarantee I have more experience with dating women and relationships than you, and the fact that you honestly believe the 'badass' guys are the ones who girls go for immediately relates to how inexperienced and immature you are. The only thing assholes get (coming from an actual badass, not a wannabe badass who is too soft to do anything real and insists that doing drugs apparently makes you a badass) is sluts and whores. To any meaningful relationship, scratch that, to get any *woman* the badass attitude doesn't mean shit, matter of fact its more often a turn off. Sure, some guys (namely the immature guys like yourself) like flings (hell, I do too, I'm not ready to sit down, and I will be the first one to admit that having the 'battle scars' makes for some awesome get togethers) and don't care about ever being involved in a relationship, however let me tell you that you won't find a successful relationship being a 'badass'. Then again to be engaged in any serious relationship you need to be mature, and a sign of maturity is the lack of succumbing to peer pressure and stupid stereotypes.

    Also, to further add, I am not denying that the use of abusive amounts of alcohol and minor drugs like weed aren't present in our system, if not abundantly present, but to claim that since everyone else does it then it has to be the cool thing to do in order to fit into modern american society (which, btw, america has some of the lowest usage of weed) is an absolutely false statement. Its the same mob like mentality which makes me despise a vast majority of the humans on this planet whom succumb to peer pressure and can't make up their own minds. The facts are in front of you, all it takes is opening a book, but rather than educating yourself and growing up to be a mature adult you choose to remain a child and continue to make adolescant and, frankly, very stupid judgements.
  8. Λtreyu

    Λtreyu Well-Known Member

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    Aug 29, 2005
    i don't have the time to address everything you just flung at me Dementia, but I will try to get the highlights of each paragraph.

    1st paragraph: I have no problem with people voicing their opinions, whether they choose to indulge in drugs or not. I do not, however, respect people who voice their opinions as though their opinion is fact, especially when they obviously do not know anything about the drug itself (that they are criticizing so intensely). they only know what the law tells them or what their parents and the commercials want them to believe. I am fine if you don't like drugs! Just don't call us stupid or lazy or say that we are in danger of dying when you really do not know what you are discussing here. And I am fine and dandy that you are interested in the human psyche. I am as well, all though probably not as much as you present yourself to be. Which brings me to a good quote from your first paragraph; "I am pretty sure I have more formal college education than you (though you may have slightly more), and I am definitely sure you have more hands on experience with drugs (probably not alcohol)" In which contradited yourself (almost twice) (and I would like to hear how much beer/liqour you drink). And on a side note, before college i worked at a local bookstore, so i came across many medical books, ranging from surgical to psychological to historical medical textbooks and essays that we sold online, not saying I read them all, but i too share that interest in the human psyche. The point of my essay was not to back up the weird mushroom theory, just to present it and discuss it. I had to tie it in to a criminology class so that took some time too, it was just an excuse to write about something that interested me. I do not actually agree with most of it, i just think it presents some good points about the development of our early linguistic and cognitive development (of which there is really no solid explanation for; the development of language has never really been fully explained for any animal species i do not think).

    2nd paragraph: As I said, I do not care if someone voices their opinion, biased or not. Just don't make fun of or belittle the people who hold the opposite opinion of your own. Then i'm all good. And as for mild usage of drugs, as long as it is hallucinogenics (LSD, LSA, Mescalin, Psilocybin, THC (Cannabis) etc) most respectable studies will show that in small doses they do not have long lasting effects on our overall health. Hallucinogenics do not include narcotics and prescription pills, which cann obviously corrode tissue and tear up veins even in small usage if done over time. I really don't like harder drugs and don't associate with people who do things like black tar heroin, coke, crack, meth, smack speed ex-heads or ---- like that. Its just up to the person not to go overboard, moderation is key, and ever drug and every person is different.

    3rd paragraph: You don't know me (bitch...) so don't act like you know who i am in real life. The truth is ive never had sex, at 19, and have had 3 girlfriends in my life. They have all pressured ME into asking them out. I'm a shy guy, but I am not intimidated by women. it gets easier to do that over time. i'm a soft guy, i get them flowers, i tell them i love them, i don't ask for sex or any ---- like that. i am attractive, and i honestly only settle for the best of the best when it comes to who i date, let alone kiss, but that doesn't mean that i take advantage of them or only date them for sex. i was too shy to ask for sex for the first two hahah. i know that eventually sex will come into it, human nature. and....don 't call me an immature wannabe badass when you dont even know me or my fu cking name, let alone who i really am. and i would happily have a badass-off with you. 1.) goin to college on a scholorship 2.) got a record deal with a record label (lyon-echo you can look them up if you desire, they are small and based in LA) 3.) traveled the world pretty extensively (10 or so countries) 4.) play football, mountain bike play sax play piano write electronic/hip hop beats, to to school in portland, rep PDX rollin deep in weed know what i mean? at 19? as a portland state viking? as im rhyming? are you comprehending? this legendary? epicly scary, off-beat rap attack is dementia mad? i hope not his style is soft, lets see his frestyle, its the badass off! etc. etc.

    4th paragraph: Your statement of "btw, america has some of the lowest usage of weed" is plain false, i have no idea where you heard that or why you chose to believe that obviously corrupted source. America, in particular Alaska, Oregon, California, Washington and some parts of Idaho and i'm sure others are large producers of marijuana, making it a highly profitable cash crop (even though it is illegal, or sometimes decriminalized). You personally sound like an uptight person who needs a hit off a blunt and chill the ------ out.
  9. Mortified Penguin

    Mortified Penguin Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    Sep 28, 2006
    All I needed to hear. :P
  10. XxCarbinexX

    XxCarbinexX Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    Jul 26, 2006
    I did shrooms on saturday, pretty ------ing AWESOME.

    I'll tell the story later
  11. iPro

    iPro Senior Member

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    Jan 19, 2006
    United States

    I was actually enjoying the topic until that sentence. You've lost my respect.
  12. BabyLeo

    BabyLeo Well-Known Member

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    Nov 4, 2005
    You actually read all that?
  13. dementia

    dementia Well-Known Member

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    May 21, 2005
    1st paragraph, same simplified stupid shit from your first post... don't diss it until you've done it. So on that note I would appreciate it if you didn't flame homosexuals, no none-Caucasian or their specific cultures, cannibalism, any form of religion, and that you should never place religion above science (because you don't understand religion, you understand science because its factual). Do you *still* not see how stupid your opinion is? No one needs to try any substance to know whether it is good or bad, the facts are laid out, you can Google the facts and sit at the computer for the next few years reading it. I know the effects of drugs, I grew up the first 10 years of my life through the foster care system because of what drugs do to people and I made it my personal mission to research them as much as I could without actually being a scientist, which also happens to be *why* I never used drugs. I can't drink alcohol anymore, my liver is shot from attempted suicide, the most I have now would be a couple of beers / Smirnoff twisters / mike's hard. When I did drink it was every 2-3 days and I am a German male who was about 235 lbs at the time, trust me, I can pack away more alcohol than you unless you yourself are a virtual waste disposal system. The last time I drank heavily, mind you this was after my suicide attempt, was 5 or 6 cocaine ladies (vodka and Irish whiskey), 3 beer bongs, about 1/2 a bottle of 43% rum (can't remember the brand), a couple of whiskey sours, and a couple of jager bombs. I was shit faced, but not even close to the point of throwing up. I never disagreed that drugs themselves are major motivators when it comes to creativity. Most modern day artists (music and otherwise) voluntarily admit to writing their scripts, their music, or their actual designs when under the influence of some form of mild hallucinogenic. It does force the body to think a different way because it releases chemicals into the body which effect how the mind thinks, pretty simple concept.

    2 - You will also find that most respectable tests dispute one another for nearly all subjects in which there are biased opinions. Even weed has shown long term effects under specific tests that it didn't under other tests, lots of uses in a short period of time, lack of uses but long dosage times, mild amounts here and there can be used to help (see: glaucoma), but the general consensus is that it is bad, don't try it (just like smoking... it still escapes me why people smoke, it’s disgusting to kiss someone who smokes, disgusting to be around smoke, smells disgusting, turns everything to a shade of tar, it’s extremely expensive and of course has long term effects on the deterioration of the human body... I don't consider it any better than drugs). Alcohol I know and knew is bad for me, and realistically I never drank with peer pressure or anything, most of the time I drank I was at a party that didn't have sodas so I just started slamming alcohol (I drink a LOT of fluids every day).

    3 - So you just verified that I a) am older than you, b.) am more experienced than you, c) have more college education than you. Frankly, I don't care who you are. I don't even remember the names of most of the girls I hook up with and very rarely even remember the names of people online. Unless you’re a personal friend or someone I have known for a few years online, why should I know you? Why should I care? You're the one who brought up how 'girls love badasses' and something about how you would know... fucking 3 women, you're a joke. If you want to have a badass-off with me, feel free to schedule a meeting where you, undertwat and draxxus are all together (you're all on the east coast), I would be happy to show you all what a size 14 boot from a 285 lb man does to your face. I don't deal with being a badass ****** / wigger style, keep your faggoty rap shit to yourself and prove to me your a badass if you want to do it that way... or hell, with being a record label holder maybe you can afford to come down to AZ and upload a picture when you cross the state lines, I'll be happy to meet you somewhere... or hell, let me just 1 up all the achievements you listed with my own...

    Want to know what I was doing at 18? I had 2 years at college and an associate in applied science from CSU where I then decided that I didn't like college and could get myself places without an education. I was making a near 6 figure salary doing interior design engineering of cabin sized aircrafts with a company by the name of Adam Aircraft. Want to know what I do at 20? I own a motorcycle, 2 cars, am putting a down on a house; break nearly 60 grand a year doing freelance web design and another 40 grand at my actual job. Want to rub your high school success (lol, this is just a true sign of your immaturity) in my face? The two years I went to high school I was on the varsity football and wrestling team. I never lost a wrestling match and I went to state and won at state both years, I have 4 state championship rings between 2 football states and 2 wrestling states. I still have the highest GPA recorded at my high school (being 4.54 as a sophomore due to AP classes). While I haven't been *out* of the country (unless you consider Mexico as leaving the US) I have had international booty calls, which, to me, is all that I would care about doing if I were to leave the US anyways.

    4 - I never said it *was* the lowest, simply that many other countries in the world have a higher usage of drugs. Good job taking a moderate statement to an extreme just so you have a point to rebuttal.

    It's funny, in your last post you not only agreed with and proved a majority of the points in my previous post, but you further reinforced that by opening your mouth and mentioning your age, lack of romantic involvement (which I believe you brought up with the intention of bragging about... still a virgin at 19 when you've dated 3 apparently diamonds, some of the easiest bitches to lay if you have the dough), and your lack of apparent knowledge. On top of all of this, the statements in your post show your lack of maturity and your actual ability to stand up in the adult world. I have been on my own, as in fully supporting myself, since the age of 16, through high school, through college, and through the first 2 years of my very successful (thus far) adult life.

    How about you live a little and get out of that closed bubble known as school, I've been there, done that, and when you grow up a little more (not in terms of age, but in terms of maturity... if you ever do) you will see that this charade you are attempting to pull off, while being far from successful, is really just that... a joke. You are going to look back on yourself and laugh and see that I am right in this debate.

    Also, if you ever expect to be taken seriously in the adult world (not the little album label area you are attempting to place yourself in), you should learn proper grammar and spelling, I fixed your post so that you don't sound like such a fucking retard.
  14. scarletham

    scarletham Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    Aug 27, 2005
    Read some Aldous Huxley imo
  15. iPro

    iPro Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    Jan 19, 2006
    United States


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