Beerfest, Grandmas boy, Oceans 11 and 13, ATL, Get rich or die tryin, and I guess the scary movies were funny
Sympathy For Lady Vengeance ^_^ A Tale Of Two Sisters Nana Batman Begins Final Fantasy Advent Children
Pirates of the Caribbean 1,2 and 3 Ratatouille A Bug's Life Finding Nemo Basically any Pixar film... Spiderman 2 And Texas Chainsaw Massacre :lol:
That movie is called Very Bad Things. I think I saw most of it; I will have to rent it again sometime.
Transformers 300 Die Hard ( All of them) Crouching Tiger (Dunno how to spell it) Hero Jet Li's Fearless
The crow Con Air Fight Club Ghost in the shell 2 Training day man on fire Collateral 300 sin city all amazing edit: how could i forget the life of brian