outside of my house....this is actually one of my least favorite shots, but I still think it's cool, I like the way the mountains showed up... (my house = Arizona, btw.)
Wow. Thats a great place to live to take landscapes. o.o I wish I had that. I have... the GTA. So not even tall buildings. Eh. I'll figure something out. ^^
haha, I am sure you can find something..... most of my other pictures are far superior to this one, dunno if you've looked yet, but take a look if you get a chance
Hm. Actually, other then Morning Sky, this is my favorite of yours. I really like the time of day you picked (or just happened to take the photo) because of the way the sun is hitting the mountains. Its really quite beautiful.
Well thank you, sometimes I forget, not a lot of people on GR are from here, and Landscapes that I find dull and boring and repetetive are very beautiful for them.... I've seen this shot so many times, I have just never taken the time to actually capture it untiil now... my flickr has better photos... http://flickr.com/rueterj_inspired/
Yeh. Being from the GTA, I don't get to see that everyday like you do. I lived in calgary and we travelled alot there so I've seen them, but I don't get to see them often. I really love all the photos you have on your flickr. I almost think you should of submited your case fan photo instead of the XFX for the contest. ^^ And Las Montanas is stunning. Amazing job. Looking forward to your next.
Thanks Yea, the case fan image was my original submission, but then I changed it to the XFX aluminum plate.....I may change it back...
This is actually a very good shot... You can see the vanishing point, the perspective is nicely done and you can the difference in size and distance.
it's so damn quiet....I hate it..... I am a city boy at heart....I want to be in Chicago.... so much culture in chicago.....Arizona is culture dull and everyone speaks friggin' spanish...
Love the photo, would be a good idea to take it again when the sky is blue and the sun is out, get a lot more light in there, it just seems a bit dull in this