tbh, i had the thought of having the whole "we call foreigners 'aliens'...really?" be a story concept ages ago, and I bet others have too, its about time someone did it. I'd say it will make for a good social commentary, ..........but its too blatant imo :/ still could be hit or miss, peter jackson has done well in the past (derp derp)
I actually find it interesting. As for once, the humans are holding the " Aliens ", on earth against their will. But yeah, It could also be terrible. We'll see.
i'm really on the fence as to how i feel about this movie. having said that, i'll probably be seeing it at midnight tonight. i'll report in with my review.
Saw it last night. Good movie, pissed me off, but a good movie absolutely. Favorite part was (end spoiler) Digital/special effects were done pretty damn well too.
I loved it and have been wanting for it to be made for years. I loved Neil's, Johannesburg short film.
Its brilliant cinematography, it switches between 3 filming perspectives - Standard narrative filming - Documentary, from the film crew following the forced emigration - CCTV from the MNU view. I think one of the key factors to the film being love or hate is that you have to be in the right mindset, watching with just a listen 'n' watch view on it, its going to suck. If you look at it from a dissecting perspective, watching how all the elements fit together perfectly, but subliminally, you'll love it. I also love the way that by outlining what you see in the trailer, you expect to side with the humans, but right from the outset, your somewhat forced into feeling empathy for the prawns, which works amazingly well. My favorite movie this year, going to watch it for the 4th time tomorrow, and for those of you tempted to download the R5 that came out, this is one to watch in the theaters