Theres about 15 episodes now I think. I read the manga already and the series should be fairly long... I won't say anymore because I'll end up spoiling >.<
Well at the rate the episodes are going there about 1/4 through with this arc. I've read all of the magna, and whoever says that the Anime and Manga don't match are horribly wrong as they do more then any other. 4.5/5 For Anime || 5/5 for manga
I don't like to read manga but I love the episodes Atm I'm at 10 and I really want more eps >_< The story line is relly nice ^_^
Episode 1 Episode 2 Episode 3 Episode 4 Episode 5 Episode 6 Episode 7 Episode 8 Episode 9 Episode 10 Episode 11 Episode 12 All the available episodes full and subbed.
Hmm iam glad that the manga is gonna be released here in the netherlands, to bad i have too wait till the summer
never heard of this one, but some good anime shows are like Naruto (alot of people like it) bleach, trninty blood (kinda wierd at first) ghost in the shell, full metal alchemist... there are a few more i cant think of atm. so what exactly is deathnote about?
Well a boy found a death note and that notebook is magic...he can just write a name there and the person will die...but for that he needs the face and the name.His goal is to change the make a better one and he starts to kill criminals..Ah and he's a damn smart boy...The police tries to catch him but he's too smart so there is a smart one in the police side too and they do like 1v1 match...The boy is called Light but his nick name is Kira now..Later there will be another Kira that can kill only with a name...That's all I saw...Hope u understood something ^_^
Thanks for posting them links, might check it out. As people mentioned already Full Metal Alchemist is awesome. I've heard of Naruto, but have yet to watch, i could if i wanted to, i know a website that shows every episode of it and many other anime.
wow, this is a pretty cool anime. especially considering its kinda wierd (u cant deny it) but im likin it ^_^
are you dumb? how its it going to turn out like naruto.. the mangas done for death note unlike naruto they went into fillers for the manga to get ahead
epsiode #3 has no sound ill skip to an episode that has sound i guess ^^;; anyone have a link to replace it?