Please take some time to read this post. C&C - What does it mean? C&C is abbreviated from the phrase ''Comments And Criticism''. So when someone posts a piece of artwork in this section ''Your Stuff'', whether it be a sig, splash, wallpaper, or a larger piece of art, when people state they would like C&C, they want comments and criticism. Try to be positive, and state your opinion, point out what ''flaw'' you see. Don't forget to supply them with an explanation on why you think this and detailed information on what you think can be improved. It helps if you provide links for the person to follow. For example. [I'll use PersonA and PersonB] PersonA : (Posts sig) C&C Please PersonB : I like this. The background is stunning. However, I'm not so keen on the colour. I suggest trying some multicolour as suppose to monotone. Try this tutorial ; (Tutorial). The text is ace, and the blending is very good. Keep up the good work. ** That's C&C -------------------------------------------------------------------- This is NOT Person A (Posts sig) C&C Please Person B That sucks. I hate it. Go die. Get the picture? ------------------------------------------------------------------- Ok, Please try to keep to these guidelines when people ask for C&C. Thank you.
yse thank you so much. for the newbies its gr to have this. when i said R&C some newbie game me credits, and said he couldt give me rep yet.
Ahhh .. :lol: R&C [Rate and Comment for those who dont know] Please Please Please try not to give out . ratings. Like 9.567567346356547658, doesn't really help.
thanx for ur time and effort of bringing this up, I hope this will help some members to understand the way how to comment and give opinions.
lmao thats awsome good "sportsmanship" given it back tho actually i've never had a problem with that hmmmm...
Thank you atleast now the newbies will know what it means....mind you most newbies i've encountred do give good c&C's.
i agree that no poeple should flame other poeple about there sis.. just give them some contructive critis if you know what i mean
I dwell in the critique arenas of the POS:, NEG: and Overall Rating: type of format. So, if I'm in the mood, which I'm all the time, I'll post this format when you see the LevelOne post a C&C in a thread requesting such phenom... EXAMPLES: (X): The image is nice. (-): Nothing negative I see with it. Overall Rating: 10/10! Brilliant Work! EXAMPLE # 2: POS: Smooth. Love the text. NEG:: The font could use some detailing though. Overall Rating: 8/10. Keep practicing, regardless... EXAMPLE # 3: Positives: Love It....blah, blah....blah! Negatives: Suggest that you use...blah...blah....blah! Overall Rate: 7/10. Need more tutorials practices. Often times, I'll just leave ADVICE, SUGGESTIONS, LINKS, and other times, say NOT RATED, because I desire the person to REDO their submission, and I'll rate it later.