
Discussion in 'Offer' started by dinges, Jun 10, 2010.

  1. dinges

    dinges Senior Member

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    Feb 22, 2005
    The Netherlands
    I'm slightly bored and largely trying to ignore the giagantic pile of homework i still have to do....

    I want to get back into sigmaking, I haven't done much and am pretty rusty, though my first sig in a while turned out better than i had hoped.

    So here's what i would like to offer:
    I want to finish your unfinished sigs,
    You have a sig that you don't feel like finishing, can't get the text right, coloring is off, whatever, post them here and PM me the .psd and I'll see what i can do.

    - post an unfinished sig and I will attempt to finish it
    - pm me the .psd, i can't work from a .jpg
    - this is a collab, so if you're into rating and stuff, this won't be counted
    - you will have the full rights to the sig
    - i will have wearing rights
    - if requested I will label my layers so you can see what I did
    - it's FREE

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