8D At first, I just thought that it was Godzilla remade, seeing the last one didn't have the best GFX.
pretty sick man... lots of gore, lots of dead people, lots of monsters, and some good humor. overall, a very good monster movie. if you like the genre, go see it.
Was pretty good. I like it for the most part. The video camera filming made it seem really real. Man, that would be a scary situation.
hahah i heard people were making fun of the camera saying they got motion sickness from watching the movie
it sucked hardcore. it was a waiste of money the only good part is when I almost get banned for posting spoilers without warning and color changing to hide it
My Spoiler-free Cloverfield Review Well I saw Cloverfield today, formerly known as "1-18-08". First I'll say that this movie will right away set itself apart from all others within the first 10 seconds of its start. The entire movie is played out as appearing on one of the character's video camera. So you get the feeling as if it were real & that you're really immersed into the movie. The characters themselves are interesting and all display a wide range of emotions throughout the course of the film. By the end of the movie, you'll definitely feel some connection with at least one of the characters. (Mine was with Hudson, the camera man.) Many people have said that they don't even know what the movie is about. Not surprising, because the commercials don't exactly do a good job of explaining the plot. And interestingly enough, as you watch Cloverfield you'll have even more questions. The entire situation is never once fully explained, but you'll hear various characters talking about what they think is going on. ("Oh my god is it terrorists?", "Did the government create this?", "Did it come from the ocean?" etc.) Basically, the main character Robert Hawkins is leaving for Japan, to work for some company as the vice president. So all of his friends decide to throw him a big going away party. During the party, an earthquake is felt and explosions are heard. Everyone panics and heads to the rooftop to find out what's going on. More explosions, chaos, running,(there's alot of running in the movie), screaming. Everyone heads for the streets where they catch a glimpse of a massive creature as it destroys buildings and even decapitates the Statue of Liberty. -I'll pause here. In all, I enjoyed the movie. It was dramatic, action-packed, suspenseful, and unique. I was pretty surprised by a couple of scenes in the movie too. Go check it out people. I give it a 4/5 stars. Extended review: Oh by the way, please do not let the ending discourage you. As I've heard someone put it, "In Godzilla movies, there are people that run and scream. Cloverfield is the story of those people, told from their point of view." This is not a big epic monster movie where the characters face off against the beast at the end.
Yeah it's pretty cool, I watched it yesterday night. Just remember one thing: Hammer down in T - 15. EDIT: But I preferred American Gangster, but that's just my opinion.
Ah man, I loved how it was taped in first person, it made it feel so real, and it was so loud, I loved when guns went off! But, there was a big, big disappointment in the movie.